Flashable UK smart plugs

Tuya-Convert is relatively easy - but you need a linux device that has both Wi-Fi and LAN. Also 2nd device to also connect to the Wifi (Any phone/tablet/pc etc). I have an old mini pc (Acer Revo) that I can use just for that. I’ve used a Pi 2B in the past aswell (with USB WifI dongle). Plenty of youtube walkthroughs - DigiBlur is usually spot on.Tuya Convert 2.3 Flash Tuya Smartlife Devices | No Soldering! | Remove the cloud | Custom Firmware - YouTube

As I have a known good config for ESPHome for these plugs, I create the config for each (unique IP + Name) and choose the download option from ESPHome. I can the load the files onto my tuya-convert machine - and they appear in the options when flashing. Once flashed and rebooted - they show up as new devices within HA.

If its a new device I go for Tasmota first as its easier to experiment with pin outs etc.

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Thanks have purchased some of these today and will have a go at flashing them when they arrive, the video looks straight forward and have a spare Raspberry-Pi, also purchased the WeMos D1 mini from the video too, finger crossed :slight_smile:

Hi folks, as a newbie to home automation I’ve found this whole thread very useful. I’ve pretty much settled on trying the Gosund UP111s for most things, but I’ve also got a 3kW device I’d like to use with a smart plug.

Finding actual specs for the UP111s is quite hard – various other sources report anything from 1100W to 3600W for their max load, which leaves me skeptical. In the absence of hard facts, is there an alternative UK smart plug people might recommend for high-watt use cases?

My latest UP111s have “230v 16A 3680W” on them. However I’m not sure I’d trust any smart plug for sustained high current loads. I’ve used them happily on my 3KW Compressor but that only ever operates for reasonably short bursts of a few mins. For our outdoor 2.8KW pool heater I have I smart relay trigger a proper full 20A contactor (relay) as that can stay on for many hours at a time.

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Hi All,
Thanks for the recommendation @Sjeffrey,

We’ve got some new stock arriving this week!
The new batch has a few upgrades, including raising the rated current to 13A (in line with the socket standards), and accurate calibrations at the factory.

Unfortunately, we’ll be raising the price in January in response to some economic pressures, so be sure to pre-order now for the lower price (of £9.50)

Full disclosure: I’m the owner of Local Bytes

Hi @AAllport. I ordered some over the christmas period (some before they came into stock, and then a couple more once I got the in stock notification) at the original £9.50 price. Do you know when these might be sent out at all? I also noticed a couple of days ago that the price had gone up to £10 like you said. I have now just noticed that the link in your previous post now no longer works, but there is a new product page (Tasmota Smart Plug (UK) | Power Monitoring | Local Bytes) which has them at £9. Is there a difference between this new one and the old one? Curious as to the price decrease after your mention of an increase, as it seems like the same product!

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Hi @microadam,
Thanks for the reply

There were a few delays from our fulfilment partner, so, the majority of preorders have now been picked and packed, and will be dispatched Tomorrow
if you send us an email/chat on the site, we can send over your tracking details (for some reason, they haven’t synchronised from the fulfilment team)

In regards to the £9 product, thanks for bringing this to my attention!
In short, we only have 1 plug at the moment, and it’s being sold for £12.50. The link should not have broken, and the price should not have been reduced.
I’m in communication with Shopify as to why this change occurred!

Unfortunately, due to Brexit, the Climate Crisis, and the Holiday period; we received some unexpected bills getting the plugs into the country.
As such, we’ve made the difficult decision to raise the price again, to remain a sustainable business.
Whilst this is not ideal, I hope you can understand!

We still believe our pricing is very competitive, especially when other sites do not account for import & duty, etc!

If you’ve got any other questions, please do let me know!

Hi @AAllport Thanks for the super quick reply! All makes good sense and totally understandable. Will message on your website to get tracking details :slight_smile:

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How did you get on flashing the UP111 ?

yea got on good, followed the video and managed to flash 8 of those 2Nice plugs to Tasmota.

Still reading into the ESP Home part

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I got a 4-pack of Gosunds from eBay. In the box were two types – 16A/3680W and 10A/2300W. The 16A ones flashed fine, the 10W ones failed. Since the listing was for four 13A plugs I’m trying to decide if it’s worth arguing for a refund or such.

Hi @DeanoX

I have some strange on goings with Tasmota, the plugs all get reset on a system reboot, the plug itself stays on it just seems to be the status of the plug that reset (Looks like a possible mqtt issue) checked all retain settings ect but cannot seem to find the issue.

I then decided to move to ESP Home, I have managed to build config for the 2Nice Gosound plugs and they have come into ESP Home and are online but I cannot seem to access the web page for them, was wondering if your config allowed you to access the web page?

Edit: The config I am using is from the ESPHome Web page. Gosund 13A Power Monitoring Plug UP111 | ESPHome-Devices

That config doesnt appear to have the ESPHome web_server component enabled…

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That worked a treat, thanks for the quick reply.

still learning here myself and apprecaite the help\support you have provided here I really appreciate it!

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Hi @DamianFlynn - just used your code to flash onto a new Local Bytes plug I received today - and works a charm. I was just wondering if you have had any issues with the push button on the side of the plug? - as I’m not seeing anything happen when you manually push the button - although the relay switch in home assistant works just fine.


Hi @leacho73

I also have some local bytes plug, I managed to figure out that the GPIO pins 1 & 13 need swapped in the config, I am using this as my local bytes config and it seems to be working well.

# Localbytes

# Substitutions
  # Device Names
  device_name: "Localbytes"
  friendly_name: "Localbytes"
  # Icon
  main_icon: "power-socket-uk"
  # Default Relay State
  # Aka: `restore_mode` in documentation
  default_state: "RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF"
  # Activity State Threshold
  # Threshold (number) that the device will change from `Idle` to `Active` if power is greater than or equal to
  activity_threshold: "5"

# Basic Config
  name: "${device_name}"
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp01_1m

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "${device_name} Fallback Hotspot"
    password: !secret hotspot_wifi_password



  port: 80

  - platform: homeassistant

# Device Specific Config
  # Push Button (Toggles Relay When Pressed)
  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO3
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: true
    name: "${friendly_name} Button"
      - switch.toggle: relay
  - platform: status
    name: "${friendly_name} Server Status"

  # Relay (As Switch)
  - platform: gpio
    name: "${friendly_name}"
    icon: "mdi:${main_icon}"
    pin: GPIO14
    id: relay
    restore_mode: "${default_state}"
      - light.turn_on:
          id: led
          brightness: 100%
          transition_length: 0s
      - light.turn_off:
          id: led
          transition_length: 0s

  # WiFi Signal Sensor
  - platform: wifi_signal
    name: "${friendly_name} WiFi Status"
    update_interval: 60s
  # Power Monitoring
  - platform: hlw8012
      number: GPIO12
      inverted: true
    cf_pin: GPIO4
    cf1_pin: GPIO05
    change_mode_every: 3
    update_interval: 3s
      name: "${friendly_name} Voltage"
      id: voltage
      unit_of_measurement: V
      accuracy_decimals: 1
        # Map from sensor -> measured value
        - calibrate_linear:
            - 0.0 -> 0.0
            - 602.87506 -> 229.9
            - 609.8 -> 232.8
      name: "${friendly_name} Power"
      id: power
      unit_of_measurement: W
      accuracy_decimals: 0
        # Map from sensor -> measured value
        - calibrate_linear:
            - 0.0 -> 1.14
            - 62.06167 -> 10.93
            - 1503.27161 -> 247.6
            - 1599.81213 -> 263.7
            - 3923.67700 -> 631.4
            - 7109.50928 -> 1148.0
            - 7237.0857 -> 1193.0
            - 7426.71338 -> 1217.0
      name: "${friendly_name} Current"
      id: current
      unit_of_measurement: A
      accuracy_decimals: 3
        # Map from sensor -> measured value
        - calibrate_linear:
            - 0.0 -> 0.013
            - 0.08208 -> 0.071
            - 1.34223 -> 1.066
            - 5.57170 -> 4.408
            - 6.69184 -> 5.259
            - 6.97187 -> 5.540
  # Total daily energy sensor
  - platform: total_daily_energy
    name: "${friendly_name} Daily Energy"
    power_id: power
      # Multiplication factor from W to kW is 0.001
      - multiply: 0.001
    unit_of_measurement: kWh

  # Device Activity State
  # e.g. shows as active if power reading above a certain threshold
  - platform: template
    name: "${friendly_name} Activity State"
    icon: "mdi:${main_icon}"
    lambda: |-
      if (id(power).state >= $activity_threshold) {
        return {"Active"};
      } else {
        return {"Idle"};
    update_interval: 5s
# Relay State LED
  - platform: esp8266_pwm
    id: state_led
      number: GPIO13
      inverted: true

  - platform: monochromatic
    output: state_led
    id: led

    number: GPIO1
    inverted: True

  - platform: restart
    id: restart_button
    name: "${friendly_name} Restart"
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I’m in the UK and now buy all my smart plugs direct from https://www.athom.tech
They are Pre flashed and you can get either Tasmota which I do or ESPHome.

Saves any splitting or messing about to be honest and they arent that expensive when bought direct.

I’ve had 3 orders delivered in good time with no issues.

Hope this is of some use to someone!

Same here, work great. A bonus for me is the integrated fuse. I did have one fail but they replaced it no questions asked within a week from China, and I ordered through Aliexpress !

EDIT: now all 4 of mine have failed and they won’t replaced them after only 9 months, they want me to buy some more at half price !

This is brilliant, thank you so much @DeekB1983 - just flashed the plug and its all working as expected!


Me and a buddy brought 2 packs of these. Absolute bargin! Arrive fast, Flashed first time using Tuya Convert - Uploaded ESPHome config, integrated no issues!! Might buy 4 more!