Flic Hub SDK -> Web Hook (step by step)

Hi - should this work with the flic twist?
I can see it is sending push button events, but not sure it is picking up any twist events?

No HubLR SDK support for the twist action yet :frowning:

Message malformed: required key not provided @ data[‘action’]

Sorry for beeing a spamming useless noob :slight_smile:
But I copied the code exatly and even called the button “button1” but I get the error message shown on the top.

Can you post the file that you put the code into, there is probably a YAML formatting problem.

I’m having exactly the same issue when I try saving the automation. Here’s the YAML code I pasted into the new automation window:

  - id: flichub_click_webhook
    alias: Flic button events from Flic Hub - Webhook
    mode: parallel
    description: >
      Flic Button commands from flic hub
      Receive as Webhook

      - platform: webhook
        id: "flic"
        webhook_id: abcd1234-flic
      button_name: "{{ trigger.json.button_name }}"
      click_type: "{{ trigger.json.click_type }}"

      - choose:
          - conditions: "{{ button_name == 'button1' and click_type == 'click' }}"
              - service: counter.increment
                  entity_id: counter.button_1_clicks
		  - conditions: "{{ button_name == 'button1' and click_type == 'double_click' }}"
              - service: counter.increment
                  entity_id: counter.button1_double_clicks

When I try to save, it generates the error:
Message malformed: required key not provided @ data[‘action’]

If you are pasting it i to a new automation it probs it doesn’t need the


Line at the top.

That is there because I use “packages” to manage my yaml.

Try removing it.