Floorplan for Home Assistant

in inkscape, add some text. does not matter what. select that text and then give it the same ID as your sensor. that’s it…

Thank you JazekerXX. I created a text on the floorplan, assigned it the ID of the sensor, saved the file, copied it into Home Assistant replacing the old floorplan.svg, the text now appears on the screen where I created it, but nothing else is displayed. Something is escaping me, I tried 3 times.

could you share your in wall touchscreen?

I can’t manage to add a 2nd floor plan, I do exactly what it says here but it will be added to the panel but if I click on this it will remain white what am I doing wrong.

I am new to the floorplan-stuff, after some research i get the impression the floorplan-plugin is not as needed anymore, and it is better to just use picture-elements? Is this wrong? What extra features does to floor-plan-plugin provide?

Am i missing something, but is it possible to get the floorplan to “fit to page” instead of fit to width? (so i wont have to scroll on wide screens)

You need to set Panel to true on the page title

title: MyHouse



  - title: DownStairs

    panel: true

    icon: mdi:arrow-down-bold``

Thanks, but that only fits to width of the page, right? If the screen is wide/plan is tall, you have to scroll vertically.

I am thinking of also making a floorplan and I am looking for the proper tools.

Please excuse my ignorance, just trying to understand: What does the floorplan custom card provide that the built-in picture elements card doesn’t have?

With the new HA version, there is a giant HACS logo pasted over my floorplan screen. Anyone else getting this?

I also get this error occasionally:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘cssRules’ of null
Line: 141, column: 72
Error: {}

Just updated to 0.113 and noticed this message “The ‘extra_html_url’ option is deprecated, please remove it from your configuration. This option will become invalid in version 0.115”. Do you think this means that the non-lovelace version of floorplan will not work from then? I am migrating to the lovelace version but was just wondering…?.

I fixed this warning by (as per the breaking changes info) changing extra_html_url to extra_module_url

However I am also seeing from 0.112 that HTML custom panels have been deprecated so still looking to see if that can be overcome…

did you ever get this solved?

No, I gave up and created a floorplan using JuanMTech’s method: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsFUwqb-6As

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Hi Petar,
I using floorplan over a year and it is great. However he HTML custom panel is depreciated and stop working in 0,115.
I saw you are working on a new version of the floorplan. Any news you can provide us.
Great work and regards,

You will need to switch to the Lovelace card version Floorplan now available as a Lovelace card

Thanks for the recommendation.
I will give it a try

Hi, I am trying to migrate to the Lovelace floorplan, and struggling to get the switches and lights to work properly.

The symptom is: when i click on it the light comes on as expected but within 2 seconds turns back off again.

For Background the light switch is a LightwaveRF switch, connected via RFXTRX. The light works fine normally this behaviour is only in the converted to Lovelace Floorplan.

I am using the latest stable release, and have things like temperature working

    - action:
        service: homeassistant.toggle
        - switch.dining_room_light
        - switch.kitchen_cabinet_left
        - switch.kitchen_cabinet_right
        - switch.lightwaverf_siemens_f41f8e_13
        - switch.lightwaverf_siemens_f37cbf_1
        - state: 'on'
          class: switch-on
        - state: 'off'
          class: switch-off

If i write it like the following then all i get is a popup box like shown below

    - entities:
        - switch.dining_room_light
        - switch.kitchen_cabinet_left
        - switch.kitchen_cabinet_right
        - switch.lightwaverf_siemens_f41f8e_13
        - switch.lightwaverf_siemens_f37cbf_1
        - state: 'on'
          class: switch-on
        - state: 'off'
          class: switch-off
      service: homeassistant.toggle


Try switch.toggle instead of homeassistant.toggle

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Thank you you are awesome, that worked.