Floorplan UI with Color synced lights

The buttons on the left are png images. They’re included in Luke’s config on GitHub and you can edit them yourself with any image editor you’re comfortable with.

For the text of the weather: may be theme related. Do you use the same theme on your different devices?

Thanks for your reply. Indeed my theme was the culprit here. But do you by any chance know the font used in the buttons? I did find the buttons of course but changing them to what I need is another story :wink:

I’m not 100% sure, but I think the font is Roboto.

Thanks, created something that more or less looks the same.

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Hi all,

I have this setup in my sensor.yaml:

  value_template: >
    {% set days = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"] %}
    {{ strptime(states('sensor.date'), '%Y-%m-%d').day }}
    {{ days[now().weekday()] }}
  value_template: >
    {% set months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"] %}
    {{ strptime(states('sensor.date'), '%Y-%m-%d').day }}
    {{ months[now().month-1] }}
  friendly_name: "Full Date"
  value_template: "{{ states('sensor.day') }}, {{ states('sensor.month') }} {{ now().year }}"

And in my ui-lovelace.yaml I have this:

        - entity: sensor.time
            action: none
            color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)'
            font-size: 5.41vw
            font-weight: 200
            left: 2.7%
            letter-spacing: '-0.05vw'
            max-width: 1px
            top: 10%
            action: none
          type: state-label
        - entity: sensor.date_string
            action: none
            color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)'
            font-size: 1.3vw
            font-weight: 300
            left: 18.1%
            letter-spacing: '-0.05vw'
            text-align: left
            top: 17%
            width: 30%
            action: none
          type: state-label

But when opening my dashboard I see the date number in front of the actual day:


How can I get rid of that?


  value_template: >
    {% set days = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"] %}
    {{ days[now().weekday()] }}
    {{ strptime(states('sensor.date'), '%Y-%m-%d').day }}
  value_template: >
    {% set months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"] %}
    {{ months[now().month-1] }}
  friendly_name: "Full Date"
  value_template: "{{ states('sensor.day') }}, {{ states('sensor.month') }} {{ now().year }}"
1 Like

Hi all,

Hope that somebody maybe can help me with this weird time problem I got. 

Everytime that the time changes it shows weird on my screen, but when I refresh the screen the problem is gone for 1 minute ;).

Below the code that i use:

          - entity: sensor.time
              action: none
              color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)'
              font-size: 7.0vw
              font-weight: 400
              left: 1.7%
              letter-spacing: '-0.05vw'
              max-width: 1px
              top: 10%
              action: none
            type: state-label
          - entity: sensor.date_string
              action: none
              color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)'
              font-size: 1.7vw
              font-weight: 400
              left: 16.1%
              letter-spacing: '-0.05vw'
              text-align: left
              top: 19%
              width: 30%
              action: none
            type: state-label

Many thanks in advance!

Thanks, for that. I had to reorder some things and changed it completely in the end to:

- platform: template
      entity_id: sensor.date
      value_template: "{{ now().strftime('%A') }}"

      entity_id: sensor.date
      value_template: "{{ now().strftime('%B') }}"

      entity_id: sensor.date 
      value_template: >
        {% set suffix = ['st', 'nd', 'rd'] %}
        {% set day = now().day %}
        {% set index = 3 if day // 10 == 1 or day % 10 == 0 else (day % 10) - 1 %}
        {{ day~'th' if index > 2 else day~suffix[index] }}

    ## Converts time and date into sentence for UI
      friendly_name: "Full Date"
      value_template: "{{ states('sensor.dayoftheweek') }}, {{ states('sensor.dateofthemonth') }} of {{ states('sensor.month') }} {{ now().year }}"  

Which looks great and exactly how I want it to look, but now for some strange reason my first main Lovelace view won’t auto-refresh anymore.
Time stands still and other elements don’t update. When I hit refresh in my browser the entities show correct values and the time jumps to the correct time, but only for that moment. All updates in that page fail then to show again until the next manual refresh.
All other Lovelace pages work fine (same date/time formats and sidebar settings used).

Any idea someone?

Responding to my own question… Finally figured it out…

I have this piece of code in my sensor.yaml to create (for me) a nicer representation of day and date:

- platform: template
      value_template: "{{ now().strftime('%A') }}"

      value_template: "{{ now().strftime('%B') }}"

      value_template: >
        {% set suffix = ['st', 'nd', 'rd'] %}
        {% set day = now().day %}
        {% set index = 3 if day // 10 == 1 or day % 10 == 0 else (day % 10) - 1 %}
        {{ day~'th' if index > 2 else day~suffix[index] }}

    ## Converts time and date into sentence for UI
      friendly_name: "Full Date"
      value_template: "{{ states('sensor.dayoftheweek') }}, {{ states('sensor.dateofthemonth') }} of {{ states('sensor.month') }} {{ now().year }}"

And in ui-lovelace.yaml in the Floorplan you have to add sensor.time and sensor.date_string to the entitities used in the custom config-template-card:

  - title: Control Rooms
    panel: true
    icon: "mdi:floor-plan"
    badges: [] 
      - type: "custom:config-template-card"
         ### All the light entities I'm using
          - light.keuken
          - light.woonkamer
          - light.gang
          - light.muur_keuken
          - light.kasten_keuken
          - light.aanrecht
          - light.buiten
          - light.voordeur
          - light.erker
          - light.schuifdeuren
          - light.erker_bank
          - light.overkapping_rechts
          - light.tuin_zijkant
          - sun.sun
          - sensor.time
          - sensor.date_string
          - sensor.christmas_time
          - switch.plug_versterker_aangezet

This made everything work and update for me again. :grinning:

This weather overlay looks great, but I can’t seem to get it to work. Right now with us the weather condition states ‘pouring’ and when I refresh my lovelace UI it shows some drops very shortly and immediately after it shows the ‘normal’ floorplan again.

I’ve copied over your code like this in the way it’s in your yaml:

              #########################    WEATHER ANIMATIONS    #########################
            - action: none
              entity: weather.buienweather
                action: none
              image: /local/ui/weather/rainstorm.gif
                'pouring': opacity(100%)
                left: 70%
                mix-blend-mode: color-dodge
                top: 85%
                width: 55%
                opacity: 0
                action: none
              type: image    
              #########################    Inside overlays for weather    #########################
            - action: none
                action: none
              image: /local/ui/floorplan/night.png
                height: 100%
                left: 50%
                top: 50%
                width: 100%
                action: none
              type: image 
            - action: none
              entity: sun.sun
                action: none
                above_horizon: /local/ui/floorplan/day.png
                below_horizon: /local/ui/floorplan/transparent.png
                height: 100%
                left: 50%
                mix-blend-mode: lighten
                opacity: '${ states[''sensor.sunlight_opacity''].state }'
                top: 50%
                width: 100%
                action: none
              type: image

Anyone knows how to fix this and show my liquid sunshine?

I created my floorplan and I have home assistant running but I’m stuck and unsure how to replace the default lovelace UI to this.

Can someone point me in the right direction? Where exactly do I place the files from github? I understand that I need to change the config to my own but I am at a loss and unsure how to even get there.

Hey, I’ve the same issue. Did you find a way to resolve it? Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey, what exactly do you mean? I posted the solution to my issue and you’re replying to that :sweat_smile:

Oh sorry, I thought I commented on @Floep1984 post…
I’ve the same graphical issue on the time displayed…

No sorry, I have still now luck with finding a solution, it’s more that after a little time it seems to be going fine.

what theme do you use? it is such a nice theme.


when i use following code for button template, i get this:



    action: call-service

    service: browser_mod.popup



        type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card


          - type: entities

            show_header_toggle: false


              - entity: >

                  [[[ return entity.entity_id ]]]

                secondary_info: last-changed

              - type: 'custom:light-entity-card'

                entity: light.wled_tv_top_shelf

                brightness: false

                color_temp: false

                full_width_sliders: true

                hide_header: true

                show_slider_percent: true

                smooth_color_wheel: true

                style: |

                  ha-card {

                    box-shadow: none;

                    margin-bottom: -1em;


              - type: custom:light-popup-card

                entity: >

                  [[[ return entity.entity_id ]]]

                icon: none

                fullscreen: false

                brightnessWidth: 90px

                brightnessHeight: 250px

                borderRadius: 1.8em

                sliderColor: '#c7c7c7'

                sliderTrackColor: rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.9)

                style: |

                  #popup > div.action-holder > div > div > span {

                    background: radial-gradient(circle at 50% 0, rgba(255,0,0,.5), rgba(255,0,0,0) 70.71%),

                    radial-gradient(circle at 6.7% 75%, rgba(0,0,255,.5), rgba(0,0,255,0) 70.71%),

                    radial-gradient(circle at 93.3% 75%, rgba(0,255,0,.5), rgba(0,255,0,0) 70.71%) beige;


                  #popup > div.action-holder > div > div {

                    margin: 0.2em 0 0 0;


                  #brightnessValue {

                    color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);

                    margin: -0.8em 0 0.7em 0;

                    font-size: 1.9em;

                    font-weight: 400;

                    font-family: SF Display;

                    letter-spacing: 0.04em;

                    text-shadow: 1px 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);


                  #popup {

                    margin: 0 0 0.8em 0;


                  #popup > div.range-holder > input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb {

                    border: 0;

                    height: 0;

                    width: 0;

                    cursor: pointer;



        - this


        '--ha-card-border-radius': 0 0 0.8em 0.8em

        border-radius: 0.8em

        opacity: 0.9

      title: >

        [[[ return entity.attributes.friendly_name ]]]

i want the color wheel and brightness bar as horizontal stack, i changed the code and get this:



    action: call-service

    service: browser_mod.popup



        type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card


          - type: entities

            show_header_toggle: false


              - entity: >

                  [[[ return entity.entity_id ]]]

                secondary_info: last-changed

          - type: horizontal-stack


              - type: 'custom:light-entity-card'

                entity: light.wled_tv_top_shelf

                brightness: false

                color_temp: false

                full_width_sliders: true

                hide_header: true

                show_slider_percent: true

                smooth_color_wheel: true

                style: |

                  ha-card {

                    box-shadow: none;

                    margin-bottom: -1em;


              - type: custom:light-popup-card

                entity: >

                  [[[ return entity.entity_id ]]]

                icon: none

                fullscreen: false

                brightnessWidth: 90px

                brightnessHeight: 250px

                borderRadius: 1.8em

                sliderColor: '#c7c7c7'

                sliderTrackColor: rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.9)

                style: |

                  #popup > div.action-holder > div > div > span {

                    background: radial-gradient(circle at 50% 0, rgba(255,0,0,.5), rgba(255,0,0,0) 70.71%),

                    radial-gradient(circle at 6.7% 75%, rgba(0,0,255,.5), rgba(0,0,255,0) 70.71%),

                    radial-gradient(circle at 93.3% 75%, rgba(0,255,0,.5), rgba(0,255,0,0) 70.71%) beige;


                  #popup > div.action-holder > div > div {

                    margin: 0.2em 0 0 0;


                  #brightnessValue {

                    color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);

                    margin: -0.8em 0 0.7em 0;

                    font-size: 1.9em;

                    font-weight: 400;

                    font-family: SF Display;

                    letter-spacing: 0.04em;

                    text-shadow: 1px 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);


                  #popup {

                    margin: 0 0 0.8em 0;


                  #popup > div.range-holder > input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb {

                    border: 0;

                    height: 0;

                    width: 0;

                    cursor: pointer;



        - this


        '--ha-card-border-radius': 0 0 0.8em 0.8em

        border-radius: 0.8em

        opacity: 0.9

      title: >

        [[[ return entity.attributes.friendly_name ]]]

what i dont like here, the fonts for brightness slider and background is changed. can any one help me what to change here?

Can you share your config for gauges if you are still using this?


I’m having issues with changing the color on the image itself (the state icon is changing but that’s it).
my “light on” image remains the default color (yellow) as I exported from the render app.
Am I missing something?

 ####################################--------Loft Lamp (TESTTTTTTT)--------####################################  
      - type: image
      # - action: none
          action: none
        # hold_action:
        #   action: none
        entity: light.nightstand_left
        image: /local/floorplan/images/second_floor/loft_lamp_on.png
        # state_filter:
        #   "off": opacity(1%)
        #   "on": opacity(100%)
          filter: >-
            ${ "hue-rotate(" + (states['light.nightstand_left'].attributes.hs_color  ?
            states['light.nightstand_left'].attributes.hs_color[0] : 0) + "deg)"}
          mix-blend-mode: lighten
          opacity: "${states['light.nightstand_left'].state === 'on' ? (states['light.nightstand_left'].attributes.brightness / 255) : '0'}"
          top: 50%
          left: 50%
          width: 100%