Thank you for this, not really after help but sharing my experience for if of use to anyone.
Ive just flashed an ESP32-WROOM-32 with this. I have two Aquasky Fluval LED’s working well. It had me worried for a bit not connecting and then just clicked into working. I’m having some reliability issues with one of the lights but I think this is down to location of the ESP and BLE through water, I’m experimenting with where to site it as ideally is under the tank but it doesn’t seem to work, as soon as I move it to the side it clicks into life.
name: "fishtankcontroller"
board: esp32dev
type: esp-idf
version: recommended
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
- source: github://mrzottel/esphome@fluval_ble_led
components: [ fluval_ble_led ]
- platform: homeassistant
id: ha_time
- mac_address: 44:A6:XX:XX:XX:XX
id: BLETankFrontClient
- mac_address: 44:A6:XX:XX:XX:XX
id: BLETankBackClient
- ble_client_id: BLETankFrontClient
time_id: ha_time
number_of_channels: 4
id: BLETankFront
- ble_client_id: BLETankBackClient
time_id: ha_time
number_of_channels: 4
id: BLETankBack
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankFront
channel: 1
zero_if_off: true
name: "Front Channel Red"
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankFront
channel: 2
zero_if_off: true
name: "Front Channel Green"
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankFront
channel: 3
zero_if_off: true
name: "Front Channel Blue"
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankFront
channel: 4
zero_if_off: true
name: "Front Channel White"
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankBack
channel: 1
zero_if_off: true
name: "Back Channel Red"
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankBack
channel: 2
zero_if_off: true
name: "Back Channel Green"
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankBack
channel: 3
zero_if_off: true
name: "Back Channel Blue"
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankBack
channel: 4
zero_if_off: true
name: "Back Channel White"
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankFront
name: "Front Mode"
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankBack
name: "Back Mode"
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankFront
mode: "MANUAL"
name: "Front Switch to manual"
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankFront
mode: "AUTO"
name: "Front Switch to auto"
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankFront
mode: "PRO"
name: "Front Switch to pro"
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankBack
mode: "MANUAL"
name: "Back Switch to manual"
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankBack
mode: "AUTO"
name: "Back Switch to auto"
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankBack
mode: "PRO"
name: "Back Switch to pro"
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankFront
name: "Front Channel Red"
channel: 1
zero_if_off: true
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankFront
name: "Front Channel Green"
channel: 2
zero_if_off: true
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankFront
name: "Front Channel Blue"
channel: 3
zero_if_off: true
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankFront
name: "Front Channel White"
channel: 4
max_value: 1000
step: 10
zero_if_off: true
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankBack
name: "Back Channel Red"
channel: 1
zero_if_off: true
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankBack
name: "Back Channel Green"
channel: 2
zero_if_off: true
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankBack
name: "Back Channel Blue"
channel: 3
zero_if_off: true
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankBack
name: "Back Channel White"
channel: 4
max_value: 1000
step: 10
zero_if_off: true
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankFront
name: "Front LED Switch"
- platform: fluval_ble_led
fluval_ble_led_id: BLETankBack
name: "Back LED Switch"