The set up with the LED controller is working perfect, but one thing I can’t get working is the speed of the predefined programs, such as colorjump / strobe etc.
I can do this in the MagicHome app, but doesn’t seem to be availble in HA?
I found another work around for this. Haven’t tested it but it looks promising.
If you use IFTTT, you can use the Magic Hue component to control the LED lights. Within the IFTTT applet, you can choose the strobe effect and the speed of the strobe.
You can then control this IFTTT flow a couple of ways:
launching the IFTTT applet using webhooks in HA
using SmartThings (if you have one) to control the the applet, and using HA to control Smartthings.
Not elegant, but theoretically, it suppose to work.
Strange that IFTTT can control speed but HA can’t…