šŸ”¹ fold-entity-row - Hide away stuff in entities cards

what was your solution?

you can use the fold-entity-row in a stack, by wrapping it in an entities card in the stack.

yep, and this works too:

type: custom:hui-element
card_type: entities

which might be the same from a certain pov, but give one just that bit more flexibility if and when an entities card cant be used directly.

My solution:

type: vertical-stack
  - type: vertical-stack
      - type: entities
          - type: custom:fold-entity-row
              entity: light.all_lights
              name: ALL LIGHTS
              state_color: true
  - type: entities
      - entity: [more entity stuff]

why the double vertical-stack? thereā€™s only 1 card in that second vertical stack? if thats all you have, you could even have it in a top entities: cardā€¦

type: entities
  - type: custom:fold-entity-row
      entity: light.all_lights
      name: ALL LIGHTS
    state_color: true # not sure about this indent (never use the state_color, but I think it should be set at the type card level
  - entity: [more entity stuff]

Hmmm, you raise a good question. Having 2 vertical-stackā€™s doesnā€™t seem right (though itā€™s working). Just made a code adjustment and this works also, and makes more sense:

type: vertical-stack
  - type: entities
      - type: custom:fold-entity-row
          entity: light.all_lights
          name: ALL LIGHTS
          state_color: true
  - type: entities
      - entity: [more entity stuff]

It does not make any sense.
The classic use is:

  - type: entities
    title: bla-bla
      - entity: sun.sun
      - type: custom:fold-entity-row
          entity: sun.sun
        padding: 5
        open: true
          - entity: sun.sun
          - entity: sun.sun
      - entity: sun.sun

vertical-stack has nothing directly to do with custom:fold-entity-row, itā€™s just that I need a vertical stack card. You can certainly use the fold-entity as you state.

what weā€™re saying is you can use an entities: card instead of the vertical stack (most of the time, and where not, you can use the custom:hui-element to fix it)

You did not get the point:
Here is an error - you specified ā€œheadā€ but forgot ā€œentitiesā€:

      - type: custom:fold-entity-row
          entity: light.all_lights
          name: ALL LIGHTS
          state_color: true

I think we might be getting into the minutia here, but I also wanted vertically-stacked, visibly separate cards, so thatā€™s why I used vertical-stack rather than just a list of entities. I suppose I also could list entities and put dividers between themā€¦

No, what theyā€™re saying is the lovelace yaml snippet you posted:

type: vertical-stack
  - type: entities
      - type: custom:fold-entity-row
          entity: light.all_lights
          name: ALL LIGHTS
          state_color: true
  - type: entities
      - entity: [more entity stuff]

isnā€™t a correct use of a fold-entity-row. This would be acceptable:

type: vertical-stack
  - type: entities
      - type: custom:fold-entity-row
          - entity: light.light1
          - entity: light.light2
          entity: light.all_lights
          name: ALL LIGHTS
          state_color: true
  - type: entities
      - entity: [more entity stuff]

Complete working example using entities from my HA:

Iā€™ve just started to play around with this card, and I like it. One issue Iā€™m seeing is that my state color is not reflected for some entities, where it was before I put them into the fold-entity-row:


type: custom:fold-entity-row
title: Basement Lights
open: true
show_header_toggle: false
toggle: true
  entity: group.basement_lights
  icon: mdi:lightbulb-group-outline
  toggle: true
  secondary_info: last-changed
  - entity: switch.basement_lights
    name: Basement Lights
    secondary_info: last-changed
  - type: custom:slider-entity-row
    toggle: true
    entity: light.basement_alcove_lights
    name: Basement Alcove Lights
    secondary_info: last-changed
  - type: custom:slider-entity-row
    toggle: true
    entity: light.basement_floor_lamp
    name: Basement Floor Lamp
    secondary_info: last-changed
state_color: true

Any thoughts on why that might be?

EDIT: Actually, Iā€™ve noticed itā€™s not working on any entity thatā€™s not of type slider-entity-row. But the state color was definitely working before.

How can I make it so that it is like this?

So that you understand that in the upper photo, this is not a ready-made option, but just two cards have successfully formed and it turned out that the button is expanded, but in fact it does not unfold and does not hide.

I would like to use the Picture Entity, but I canā€™t figure out how to do it.

If I do as below, then I get it as in the screenshot

type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:fold-entity-row
      type: section
      label: Manual operation
    open: true
      - image: \local\photo\person_01.jpg
        entity: input_boolean.virtual_tracing_person
        name: Person
        show_state: false
        show_name: false
          action: call-service
          service: input_boolean.toggle
        service_data: null
          entity_id: input_boolean.virtual_tracing_person
          action: more-info
        aspect_ratio: '0'


I am using fold-entity-row on a lovelace card that shows lights in a room.

          - type: entities
              - entity: light.sofa
              - type: custom:fold-entity-row
                  entity: light.table_group
                  name: table
              - type: custom:fold-entity-row
                  entity: light.bookshelf_group
                  name: bookshelf
            title: livingroom


Usually, a header toggle appears on cards with multiple light entities to toggle all light entities on the card. In this case, though, the custom fold-entity-row entities are not recognised as lights on the room level and the room is considered to only have one light (sofa). Accordingly, the expected header toggle next to ā€œlivingroomā€ is not shown and, if forced to show (ā€œshow_header_toggle: trueā€), only switches the sofa light.

I can do this to fix this:

          - type: entities
              - entity: light.sofa
              - entity: light.table_group
                name: table
                type: custom:fold-entity-row
                  entity: light.table_group
                  name: table
              - entity: light.bookshelf_group
                name: bookshelf
                type: custom:fold-entity-row
                  entity: light.bookshelf_group
                  name: bookshelf
            title: livingroom

However, now the friendly names of the light groups are no longer overwritten (tried in two locations in the above code, fails in both). Any ideas?

You could create a light group for all the lights in the card and add it to the card as an entity:

          - type: entities
              - entity: light.group_all_lights
              - entity: light.sofa
              - type: custom:fold-entity-row
                  entity: light.table_group
                  name: table
              - type: custom:fold-entity-row
                  entity: light.bookshelf_group
                  name: bookshelf
            title: livingroom

The toggle for all lights wonā€™t be in the card header though, it will just be another row.

Id does sound like an issue. You could open a new issue here: Issues Ā· thomasloven/lovelace-fold-entity-row Ā· GitHub

I will rather accept the non-overwritten light group names than add an extra entity for the room. But the added entity may be a viable option for others, of course

I have opened an issue on GitHub.

For me, this code is strange since it does not have "entities" list.
That is why only the 1st entity row is shown:

I suspect that you are using yaml-modeā€¦ In storage mode the Editor will show you an error.

And this code seems meaningless for me:

This is pointed out in the quick start guide:

ā€œSetting head: to a group (including light group or cover group ) will populate the entities list with the entities of that group.ā€

You could also write it like this with some redundancy:

          - type: custom:fold-entity-row
              entity: light.bookshelf_group
              name: bookshelf
              - light.bookshelf_1
              - light.bookshelf_2
              - light.bookshelf_3

It fixes the problem. However, the friendly names are not overwritten.

Is it a group?

Yes, it is.

Hi there,
Is it possible to simply use a text / label as the head, without having the section line displayed on the interface ? alternatively, how can I hide the section line ?
Thanks !

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