Followed install Hassio using Docker - can't access HA

Just did an install of on Ubuntu 16.04. I followed the procedure in the docs and everything went as expected, no issues… I’m tying to access it using the IP of the host machine [ ] - No Luck!! Any suggestions.

Container “seems” to be fine – sudo docker ps -a shows:

Any suggestions? Thanks, delstel

You do not use hassio, you run the official docker Image. Try:

Thanks, The initial look and feel indicate it is working correctly. I’ll work with it today and be sure…

Thanks Again,

Neither smb or ssh seem to be working:

smb error message: 12 AM

And ssh will not start after public key is installed.


If you installed on ubuntu, why do you need SSH add-on? Ubuntu gives SSH out of the box.

If it help, this is what docker ps looks like on my x86 ubuntu 16.04 VM running hassio:

james@hassio:~$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                    COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
3744414440eb        27e642c6/amd64-addon-nodered             "npm start -- --us..."   23 hours ago        Up 23 hours>1880/tcp   addon_27e642c6_nodered
0b8492f1e96e        homeassistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor    "/usr/bin/"   35 hours ago        Up 35 hours                                  hassio_supervisor
f22452d54e6e        f3248fb7/amd64-addon-dasher              "/usr/bin/"   36 hours ago        Up 36 hours                                  addon_f3248fb7_dasher
d031a37085cc        portainer/portainer                      "/portainer"             2 days ago          Up 2 days >9000/tcp   epic_newton
1c1caa1cf26f        homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant   "/usr/bin/"   7 days ago          Up 5 days                                    homeassistant
2ebce7c01a06        homeassistant/amd64-addon-samba          "/usr/bin/"   8 days ago          Up 8 days                                    addon_core_samba

Apart from portainer, all the containers are either part of, or are add-ons deployed via the HA UI. (Some addons are from user repos)

Thanks for the comment!

My ps looks like this:

I only setup ssh and smb as a test to see if things are working correctly. I really don’t need the ssh or smb addons - just figure if something isn’t working then I most likely have other problems. [ However, smb is very convenient and I already hve ssh keys are setup on all of my VMs] As a side note I’m using ESXi 6.5 hypervisor, if it makes any difference.

Dumb question: How did you post your ps, I’m doing screenshots and your technique is much better!!!

I’ll post my entire installation workflow when I get back from the store.

Test Post…

I’m running ESXi 6.something (6.1 I think).
I followed the “generic linux” install instructions that are here: hassio-build/install at master · home-assistant/hassio-build · GitHub

But also followed some tips from @mak to optimise the ubuntu install to be lightweight. I’m only using this VM for hassio:

Yes - it really is. Editing yamls on my pc in atom is much nicer than vim :slight_smile:

Copy from putty terminal and paste into the forum, then hilight and use the preformatted text “</>” button.

The method you suggested suggested was identical to what I used the first time which did not allow me to access Hassio from my browser. The only thing I left out was the use of:

I’ll try I’ll again and include it…

Thanks for the forum post tip!
AND VM snapshots are GREAT for this kind of situation!!

I think if it installed without that then it should work.
Pretty sure that is only required if you do an absolutely barebones ubuntu minimal install.
Without it you would not have been able to add the docker-ce repo.

Hey, So here’s what happened:

Still the same problem with smb:
[ same message a the in the 1st post above ]

My workflow:
 - Installed minimal Ubuntu
 - Installed ssh keys ubuntu <-> mac pro
 - Docker install:  ( setup without a root user - must use sudo )
     - curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
     - sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
     - sudo apt-get update
     - apt-cache policy docker-ce
     - sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce
     — checked install using Hello-World image : No Issues —
 - sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
 - sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties
 - sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa
 - sudo apt-get update
 - Did Not install git
 - apt -y install bash socat jq curl
 - curl -sL | bash -
    Note: did not install with "sudo" because a failure due to permissions associated with /usr/share
    had to install as "root"  i.e.  "sudo su root" command, which worked
 - Accessed Hassio on browser and tried install of smb and ssh keys, which did not function

What did I leave out or do wrong!!


From bash history this is what I executed:

   sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
   curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
   sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
   sudo apt-get update
   apt-cache policy docker-ce
   sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce
   sudo systemctl status docker
   sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
   su - ${USER}
   sudo apt -y install bash socat jq curl
   sudo curl -sL | bash -

This was on ubuntu minimal but I also installed “basic server” and SSH options when I deployed the OS.
Hence I didnt need to install some rudimentary tools.

Here’s how it went:

I entered you list: and all went a expected until line18. I got an error message:

  18  sudo curl -sL | bash -     	  
  Error Message:  "mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/usr/share/hassio’: Permission denied"
      [ Any idea why ]

I used the same method as before and tried without sudo, with sudo, and still had to use “sudo su root” to allow creation of the /usr/share/hassio directory.

I switched the user back to a normal “sudoer” and entered Hassio started without issue.

I loaded ssh and smb and both worked. ssh worked with password or ssh key and smb didn’t

HERE’S the PUNCH LINE - I had not changed the interface from “eth0” to “ens160” !!! After that it worked as expected

“workgroup”: “WORKGROUP”,
“name”: “hassio”,
“guest”: true,
“map”: {`Preformatted text’}
“config”: true,
“addons”: true,
“ssl”: false,
“share”: true,
“backup”: true
“username”: “”,
“password”: “”,
“interface”: “ens160

And some other really Great News is MQTT works as expected!!!

[ Disregard - I found it } One other quick question - I see you added Node-Red to your docker container… Do you use it in HA. If so, would you mind letting me know were I can get additional info. I’ve been using it a while now…


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Glad you got it working!
That eth0 vs ens160 with ubuntu on vmware has caught me out too many times :frowning: sorry I forgot to mention it…

Re nodered I just installed yesterday and have not really started to work it out.

I posted in the thread of the person who created the add on, and they too are in same position!

Good luck!