For the love of gawd can we get a momentary switch already?

I know its not what your asking/looking for but after a year using HA I recently found/realized you can change the EXECUTE word into anything with:

          - action_name: AnyWordHere
            entity: script.blahblah
            name: Name of your entity

Might Help others.


Problem is that there is no ‘release’ event. So you can’t do an action while the button is held and stop it when released.

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I see, like pressing on a Volume Up button on a TV remote? It may be possible to use the 3 Lovelace actions

  • tap_action: increase volume by one step
  • hold_action: start loop of step-wise increase, until either max is reached, or
  • double_tap_action: stop the previous process

i use the following :

platform: template
        value_template: > 
          {% if is_state('switch.test','on') %}
          {% endif %}

So the template will turn the switch off when you turn it on. Since the value template will not trigger the switch when it turns off , you have a momentary switch that will only trigger on, and then will turn itself off

Hi, for me this one works. But by default, it assumes the state as “On”. I want it to be off. How can we do that