Force updates for app sensors

Unfortunately it doesn’t help.
I also did a factory reset meanwhile - also no luck.

The latest beta on GitHub has additional logging to print the intent as the app receives it. If you could get the logs when that happens it should tell us if the app is getting the intent or not.

It isn’t getting the intent. I only see SCREEN_OFF and SCREEN_ON intents in the logs.

Good news: The new command_update_sensors works perfectly. Thanks.

strange, this intent has been around since API level 1…why would they change that :confused:

We can try adding this intent and linking it to the Wifi State sensor to see if that helps the situation

PR adding this intent, doubtful it works but who knows :slight_smile: Add an intent for the wifi state sensor by dshokouhi · Pull Request #2219 · home-assistant/android · GitHub

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Tested the new release - unfortunately same result :frowning:
I also did some further testing with several sensors. It seems everything is working including Bluetooth (intents are being logged), just not the WiFi sensors.

Thank you so much for your support.
For my use case the new update command is working fine :+1:

And this is why I only use pixels, works as expected according to the documentation lol

May I ask where to add “command_update_sensors”

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In the notification message:

I’m curious about whether this same command can be added for iOS. I found this page today for exactly the same issue but on an old iPad that I’m using for my HA panel not updating sensors. I need to do some experiments to see if I can figure out a way to get it to just update more often on its own but a way to trigger it via an automation would be really helpful.