Most core cards, such as the Entities card you showed, do not allow you to make those modifications. You will need to use a card that allows templating, one popular choice would be a template card from the Mushroom custom cards.
If you put the following in the sensor’s config it will display relative time assuming the state is formatted correctly (yours appears to be):
device_class: timestamp
If you can’t control the config, you can possibly also put it in “customization.yaml” (not tested). If you do it in customizations, restart HA to be sure as it normally requires a state change to “kick in”.
You can also use “format” on the entities card to change to a different format as shown here.
Aha, nice, I do indeed control the sensor config. I changed to timestamp and added format: datetime to my entity config and it shows up perfectly! Thanks!
It works for me - if I put in “2023-02-18T12:03:00Z” it displays as “18 February 2023 at 23:03” (my timezone is +11). The “Z” means it should be UTC - so is “March 4, 2023 at 12:01” coming from “2023-03-04T10:01:00Z” or “2023-03-04T11:01:00Z”? It should be the first option to end up with “11:01”, whereas the second will give “12:01” local.
Alternatively, could it be that the timezone is set incorrectly for HA? Under “Settings > System > General”. This might cause it to parse the UTC time incorrectly.
New to HA and trying to work out how to modify the display of a timestamp sensor value as a pretty time in an automation action (notification). Is that possible via the format variable?
Kudos to my brother who figured this out. The dashboard cards are in yaml but the automations are in jinja so the format: time doesn’t work. The below displays only the time from the timestamp.
action: notify.mobile_app_oneplus_13
metadata: {}
message: "Washing will now finish at {{ states(\"sensor.washing_machine_washer_completion_time\") | as_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%H:%M')\_}}"