Formula One Card

Couldn’t help visualizing


what wallpaper are you using?

Hi everyone

I love the look of this card, and with the whole family being F1 crazy thought it would be a good idea to add it to my HA… I’ve now been looking at this for nearly 2 hours and keep getting the following “error getting (value)” errors:

The yaml I am using is as follows:

type: horizontal-stack
  - type: vertical-stack
      - type: custom:formulaone-card
        card_type: next_race
        sensor: sensor.formula_one_sensor_races
        title: Next Race
        date_locale: en
        image_clickable: false
      - type: custom:formulaone-card
        card_type: last_result
        sensor: sensor.formula_one_sensor_last_result
        title: Last Result
  - type: vertical-stack
      - type: custom:formulaone-card
        card_type: driver_standings
        sensor: sensor.formula_one_sensor_drivers
        title: Driver Standings
      - type: custom:formulaone-card
        card_type: constructor_standings
        sensor: sensor.formula_one_sensor_constructors
        title: Constructor Standings
  - type: vertical-stack
      - type: custom:formulaone-card
        card_type: schedule
        sensor: sensor.formula_one_sensor_races
        title: Schedule
        date_locale: en

I am running Home Assistant and HACS in containers on my synology NAS and would appreciate any assistance I can get please!

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Looks like the API has an outage. I’m getting errors too on a working install.


I thought that caching could prevent empty screens then… or is that depending on different situation?

It’s still showing the error for me…

The Api is down

Should be working again now. Seems like the api was upgraded

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Yep, it’s working for me now. Thanks

Hi Marcokreeft87, After the API upgrade during the last days, my REST sensor is not updating any more. It have been working flawsly since your post88 in this thread.

Have to admit I do not have enough knowledge to make it work again.

I use it heavily, making sensors with reminders and countdown in different dashboards.

Any help will be appreciated.

Here is my current rest sensor, working until last week.

  - platform: rest
    scan_interval: 86400
    resource_template:{{ now().strftime('%Y') }}.json
    name: "F1 Schedule"
    json_attributes_path: "$.MRData"
    value_template: "OK"
      - "total"
      - "RaceTable"

I had the same issue with the certificate

can you try to use http:// instead of https://


probably it will fix it

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Worked perfectly, thanks.

I have been using this views for quite some time now, really happy with this. I have been screening however for a way to send notifications to my phone prior to start for example. Is there an easy way to get this going?

Calendar integration together with some automations :slight_smile: That’s what I use

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That’s what I found too. Was hoping it wouldn’t have to be so complicated. Thanks I’ll look into this a bit further then.

It’s not more complicated than using sensors imo

I just installed the plugin, but i get errors when it tries to fetch the data. ‘Error getting standings’, ‘Error getting next race’ etc.

Do i need to do something to get this working?

Can you reach from the device where HA is installed?

I have the same issue only in browsers (Firefox, Edge and FullyKioskBrowser app)

When I use Crtl+F5 then the data is visible again but it makes no sense to me becauce even with a cleared history and cache of my browser I first need to press Ctrl+F5 when opening HA to see the data.

In the HA android app I never have issues.

I added Formule 1 to my google calendar, added the google calendar integration, I can see the event with the Developer tools, but for te likes of it, i can’t get notifications running. I know maybe this isn’t the thread for this, i’d try it anyways :wink: My automation:

alias: Formule 1 - Notificate 1 uur voor evenement
description: "07-07-2023: Eerste opzet"
  - platform: calendar
    event: start
    offset: "-1:0:0"
    entity_id: calendar.formula_1
condition: []
  - service: notify.mobile_app_iphonevnmartijn
      title: Formule 1 evenement
      message: >-
        Event {{ trigger.calendar_event.summary }} @ {{
        trigger.calendar_event.start }}
mode: single

Mind sharing yours?