Foxess Inverter Modbus

Can you post some screenshots of your settings in the energy dashboard?
The sensor “T Series Generation Total” is the one that should be used for the energy dashboard.

I did it and now it works fine. Earlier in the yaml file I deleted the entries for PV3 and PV4 (because I have T8), now when I re-entered these lines of code it works fine.

Ok. Glad its working now.

Hello friends,
I have FoxESS T series. There is RS485. I analyze data and 4 type of pakets is there. One packet per half minute. The data timing is the same as the inverter send data to cloud. I need “GridPower”, “GenerationPower” and “LoadsPower” from packet (Function code) 0x02. I get it every 2 minutes in this time, but I need it more often. Can I use send request to inverter for this data? How?
Thank you for your help.

Hi. Unfortunately it is not possible to poll the inverter. 2 minutes is therefore the shortest update interval.

Hello everyone,
I also have a Foxess T series and have ordered a couple of PCB’s from the gerber file. I see in the ESPHome log that i am getting data from the uart_debug. However it seems that i can’t get any usefull data out of them and it automatically says the inverter is offline. According to the LCD on the front of the unit I am running firmware version 3.48. If i can help out with development or debugging please let me know

I have been fiddling some more with the hardware and used a breadboard and some small cables instead of the PCB. Turns out my soldering is just bad, as it seems to work reliably now

hey all,

i’m running 1.23 and dont get any output from the COM interface.

I found 1.20 version on a github thread and wanted to downgrade my inverter but when i try to upload the firmware i will get an error in the webinterface of the wifi stick:
The file cannot be greater than 76K,please select again!

The .bin file is 300kb so this will never work.
Did anybody encounter this? Any idea how i could downgrade from 1.23 to 1.20?

I have an “anatel” branded version of the wifi stick if that matters.

Did you solve this Problem?

im now running the correct versions like anybody else, but i still don’t get any output on the esps.

for updating i actually had to use another UI, not this one locally running.