Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

I looked at some of the changes in the beta docs and i dont think theres been a change to the mqtt topic or message format, so are you getting traces at all? From what I can see you should be and if you are, perhaps the issue is with the frigate integration. Did you update that to the beta also? And could you advise if the camera name or fps sensor entity is different?

Integration is updated aswell.


Same question as above. I think it’s purely because sensor.[name]_camera_fps no longer exists.

Can you show me what sensor.detection_fps looks like in dev tools and I can get a fix out right away.

I was not right, this is not the issue

Hmm unfortunately that’s not going to be the issue I originally thought, is there a sensor for the camera fps still? I assume this is unchanged so i’ve been focusing on the wrong thing.

I need to know what’s different, perhaps I just need to upgrade myself.

@SgtBatten I’m using your fork with the latest beta and notifications are working for me.

I haven’t figured out how to get the clips/snapshots yet because the path is behind hassio_ingress, but that’s a different problem.

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Oh thank you. that’s interesting. Maybe it isn’t an issue then. I really should update to frigate 0.12 too.

Im getting zero notifikations with youre beta yaml newest frigate nvr and integration

@Telk0 @BDSmmadsen @Marcel85 Im sorry but I need more information.

I have just upgraded to 0.12 and integration 4.00 and the blueprint is still working.

My usual checklist:

  • Are you getting traces?
    • Yes - go to next
    • No - Check frigate camera entity id matches frigate config.
      • Check mqtt configuration is working
  • Check your trace and log for errors
    • share screenshot of where the trace is exiting (note a single event can have multiple traces, ensure you show the most complete one)
  • check your automation configuration - maybe even start from scratch with a new automation.

Hello SgtBatten,

I deleted my automation and blueprint and startet from scratch.

Tell if u need more. there was no log for errors

I got a person trigger in my frigate log same time.

Select this conditions node and it will tell us which conditions were true and false.

Think i found my issue after reinstall blueprint.
I typed “indkoersel” and not “- Indkoersel” in zones… Might be working now.
New issue is i dont get the snapshot.
But will test abit more next couple days.

@SgtBatten the blueprint works pretty well! One question: I get some outdated (~1hour) pictures on IOS and TV. I think they are stuck in a queue or something and are getting reported multiple times (?). Does anyone reported the same situation and could help?

Do the snapshots exist when you look at the frigate events page and select an event then click on snapshot?

The only time I’ve had delayed notifications is due to bad reception, and they come through when I reconnect to the internet but say it’s happened ‘now’ instead of whenever it actually triggered.

I can’t think of any reason the automation or HA would be causing a delay in sending them. The tv is an interesting one as I would assume it’s on the local network.

My updated Blueprints

Latest changes:

  • TV notifications - stable
  • Hyphenated cam names should work now - stable
  • Doubletake: dynamically use the persons name in the title/message if face match is detected. - Beta
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Maybe I can add some information here as I also have the problem.

I do get the notification and I can open the snapshot. Safari opens (Using Iphone here) and tries to load the file (rotating loading icon instead of play button). After 2-3 seconds there is a big crossed out play button indicating that it cant play the file.

However, I copied the link to my Computer and firefox has no problem playing the file. I therefore think the video is encoded in a format the iphone is not able to play.

I am currently on 0.12.0-beta5. They added the go2rtc restreaming and I feel I did not configure it properly…

There are a heck of a lot of issues raised on the frigate GitHub page, I recommend having a search there for anything similar. I personally had to stop using gortc for now as I couldn’t get all my cams working well, so stuck with my older config for now.

Hello, should I be getting an error for the device_class being “camera”? I’m using your current stable blueprint and it says, "value is not accepted"and then lists a bunch of valid values.
I possibly could have just imported it incorrectly. I just copy and pasted your code over the original blueprint.

Also when trying to use the blueprint, I get “No matching entities found” where you select the camera entity. I do have frigate setup and working correctly with a single camera so far, so not sure about that either.

Yes the error is expected.

The frigate integration creates entities with a device class of camera. Home assistant itself doesn’t consider that a real device class so they won’t allow it to be added to HA core. My pull request recently was rejected. The filter works but vs code will see it as invalid due to it not being present in the list of things it validates against.

Do you have the frigate integration also installed? This creates the entities in HA