Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

No it appears to have stopped, and looking at the trace i cant see anything to suggest it was running for a long time either… Confusing.

I am using version 0.10.00

I am doing to additional testing with the basic notification directly from the Frigate logs and thats not working either.

I have just deleted my device and reset it back up, my testing notifications are working so will try and test the camera.


basic test automation not working either. Automation shows the payload to mobile device is good but nothing is actually received. Maybe because im on iOS 16.4 Dev beta…

So more testing, seems an issue with attachments in Notifications. If i use this i get nothing, remove the image data i get my basic title and message notification.

service: notify.mobile_app_iphone
    image: >-

Come to think of it other image based notifications are also not working for me.

That doesn’t look like the right format for iOS according to the blueprint.

In any case. Could you try one of my updated versions linked a few posts ago and see how they go. The blueprint in the OP hasn’t worked for me in a long time

Are you using an old version of frigate?

I’m using frigate (full access) 0.11.1

Do the videos play within frigate events page?

Maybe specifically look for one that is associated with a notification where the url fails to load.

Yep all play all have snapshots. I just re installed frigate non full access but still the same. Shall I try to delete all folders and re install it?

Do you have the frigate integration installed also? I just realised your automation says camera: kitchen and not camera:
Whilst that is not a problem that will stop the automation working, it indicates you did not select the camera name from the UI but typed it manually, leading me to think perhaps you do not have the integration installed, which will explain everything.


Oh that might be it then. I just didn’t know that you need the integration for HA. My fault I will see it and post back

Edit: working as intended. Thank you very much for your patience.

Great!. The integration provides the APIs that the blueprint uses. So the mqtt side of things was working to trigger it, but the urls weren’t valid to access frigate.

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Yep many thanks to have the patience and help me out.

Not sure if was a reply to me?? But this config is the action taken from the official HA documentation for iOS Notifications.

For now a basic notification without any images are working to at least alert me of Person or Car (not using the blueprint) but i need to raise an issue on github regarding the iOS notifications with images not working on iOS 16.4

Maps are working though…

Ahh yeah sorry I forgot we use the url parameter to override an android tailored image parameter. So yes that example should be working, as should this blueprint. Though I think you did say you were using the older version.

Zone not working
I searched and read this but there is no answer .
Zone part from the automation

frigate.yaml section

Any Idea why it notiying even when a person is in zone outside ?

Check frigate events tab. Definitely doesn’t say it went inside?

If not then check the automation trace. The check boxes under the choice symbol (multiple arrows branching out) will show the status of the conditions. You can also retrieve the changed variables at each loop iteration from the traces.

Edit: also which version of the blueprint are you using?

No im using the latest blueprint from the original post. However just uninstalled and reinsalled the iOS app and image notifications are now appearing…

Known iOS 16, watchOS 9, macOS 13 issues · Issue #2148 · home-assistant/iOS · GitHub

The original blueprint has not been updated in a long time and stopped working for a fair few people which is why I updated it. Up to you, if its working then great.

Thank you for this, I was going crazy trying to work out why my notifications weren’t working and this fixed it for me

Anyone have an idea ?
How can I debug the automation ? is there any explanation/tutorial for it ?

Please check my response to you above