Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

yes everything works now with local push off

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Is there a way to resize the snapshot image when I tap the View Snapshot button on Android? At first, I didn’t think it was working until I noticed the scrollbars at the right hand side and bottom left of the screen. When I turn my phone to landscape I can see the image but it is huge and cannot resize it.

Am I missing some setting or something? The snapshot image that shows in the alert is normal.


The size of this image (as on the number of pixels the JPG contains) is configurable in frigate.

It sound like that is not what you mean though. Is it opening in the app or web browser?

If you have a baseurl set it should open in the default web browser on your phone and fit to the screen.

Only thing I’ve thought of is perhaps you are viewing the snapshot while the browser is in desktop view?

The image attached to the notification is not the same JPG, it is a low resolution thumbnail.

I don’t think I am using the browser. I set up this blueprint using my frigate camera entity and my PIxel 7 device. Everything else is left at the default setting.

I will look at my configuration inside Frigate for snapshot size.


No that’s fine, It means it is opening in the home assistant app right? So directly in frigate.

I’ll see if I can test

Yeah that is correct. I didn’t realize it was opening in the app. I added a base url and it opens in the browser and works fine. Without the base url set, it opens too large.

I went into frigate and set height in snapshot settings but it did not seem to help at all.

As info, I am running a beta 2023.3.0-full version of the HA app on a Pixel 7 Pro.


Feature Request:
Ability to customize the URL that a notification directs to. I know there are options for this now, just not the one I want. I created a simple dashboard view that uses Frigate cards, one to display the camera’s live stream and another that shows the clip of the last activity recorded. I would like an action to take me to that view instead of the clip itself.

In the meantime, I am going to dig into the blueprint to see if I can do that myself.

Hey, great idea. The good news is you can already enter custom URLs for the Action Buttons and the Tap Action.The ones in the dropdowns are just preset examples.

You should be able to go to any HA dashboard by typing something like /nameofdashboard/tabname

E.g /lovalace-security/front-cam-stream will open in the app.
If you want to open in it a bowser include the baseurl too.

Before I switched over to this blueprint (which is so much easier to use - thanks :grinning:), I was using zones in a cumulative way - eg:

The notification would only fire if a human was detected having occupied both the “OFF_PROPERTY” & “ON_PROPERTY” zones in the same event , essentially allowing Home assistant to ignore events where events were only in “ON_PROPERTY”. (In my use case this prevent alerts when someone opened the front door and went into the Garage without ever crossing the “OFF_PROPERTY” zone).

Is there a way to achieve this with this blueprint?

edit - sorry should have included - I am using Frigate 0.12.0 RC1 & the beta version of @SgtBatten’s blueprint

An interesting idea.

I can think of a way to maybe simulate it. By creating a narrow zone near the boundary so that it captures the crossover point.

But I’m intrigued about maybe creating a multi zone option.

Could you share what this section looked like in your previous version?

Sure (although I do not assert this is the “best way” of doing it :laughing:).
I had three conditions set (I actually have three zones - I was simplifying my example above but the logic is the same)

edit - Good idea about the narrow boundary - I’m going to try that now. Thanks

I am struggling how to set two persons in optional presence filter:

I have tried:

  1. Adding next entity from list - technically impossible
  2. Making group consisting of two presence entities (shown in picture above) - in this case if any of persons are present at home then group entity gets back with value “on” and this script needs value “home” to work properly.

Anyone of You solved already this issue?

@Patrryk You can use the state filter instead which allows any states for any entity.

However, I’m wondering what kind of presence entities we are talking about?

All my device trackers say home or not_home. So do my person entities. So do my groups created with those entities.

Haha no worries @MintyTrebor

I’ll look at a way to make a loop to check all match anyway. On the face of it it shouldn’t be too difficult. I assume it would result in one more toggle as a configuration option.

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That’s great - Thanks
If your looking for other ideas/suggestions (no expectation implied) I also have a similar alert that fires off a voice alert to a google smart speaker. In this use case, if someone is in the kitchen (occupied state) and a person is detected at the front door zone, it speaks “A person has been detected at the front door”, this is because often the kitchen door is closed, and you cannot hear the doorbell…

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Small correction, I have a binary sensor made based on conditions below:


And state effect:


No worries.

Use the state filter options to use that as a filter.

Edit: you can set the device class of a binary sensor too. Could change it from on off to home not home. Not certain how it works.

I have frigate in docker container. Recently I added reverse proxy for that container and secure it with ssl. Then I changed frigate integration url to Integration works on subodomain.
After I done that blueprint doesn’t work. It worked when frigate integration was using default url. I check your yaml file and it seems to me that frigate integration has hard coded url in blueprint. But if someone is using different url blueprint won’t work. Maybe I’m wrong about this. I plan to try to change frigate url in your yaml, but wouldn’t it be better that blueprint pick up whatever url user is using for frigate integration?

I’m curious about this. Is your frigate docker on the same network as home assistant? Why not continue to use the LAN IP to connect to frigate?

This blueprint connects to home assistant, not to frigate, so not sure what makes you think this.

Which blueprint version are you using?

I’m curious about this. Is your frigate docker on the same network as home assistant? Why not continue to use the LAN IP to connect to frigate?

Frigate is on different network than home assistant. But I don’t think that this is docker network problem. Because your blueprint work if I use default url for frigate integration. I just put everything on ssl so I changed my integrations to use ssl subdomain. No particular reason. It will work if I revert it back to default frigate url. I think. Will have to test it because, as I said, I put ssl on every container.

This blueprint connects to home assistant, not to frigate, so not sure what makes you think this.

I was looking in yaml file of this blueprint and I saw there that it uses standard url for frigate integration.
I use version. I think it’s latest.