Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

brilliant blueprint - thanks!

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This has been driving me nuts, ever since ive upgrade to 0.12 from 0.11 all the notificatoins fromt he blueprints no longer work.

I have Frigate 4.0.0 integration in HassOS setup pointing to a remote server.
I also have setup an mqtt bridge to pull back the events into HassOS (this is done in the mosquitto.conf)
I cant for the life of me get any type of automation to trigger.

Using the Frigate Proxy and Double take proxy work fine, but this is at the addon proxying level.

any ideas? I cant see any rogue entities or integrations that are disabled that might be conflicting.

Can you share your automation yaml?

Yep Iā€™ll post it up tonight.

Just restored a snapshot from docker to restore everything to 0.11 and the automations work. Iā€™ll slowly upgrade to this latest blueprint off git and 0.12 + 4.0.0 integration. To see when and where it breaks.

There were no breaking changes as a result of frigate 0.12 so itā€™s more likely mismatched entity ids and camera names. or mqtt not setup.

thanks yeah that is what I suspected, but i couldnt find any mismatches in entity ids. Might be a break in MQTT somewhere. As Iā€™m using a bridge to pull back from a frigate instance running in docker on another server outside of Home Assistant.

But you were using it before right?

I also run frigate separately to HA. Frigate is on my unraid server and i have the official mqtt addon running in HA.

Yeah the MQTT bridge was there before and worked fine. This part has remained unchanged in the upgrade. I have the exact same setup lol.

Docker running in unraid for Frigate.

Hass Addon Frigate Proxy ā†’ Frigate 0.12 on unraid
Hass MQTT Bridge ā†’ MQTT on unraid

Upgrade Frigate Integration (HACS) custom component to 4.0.0
Pull the latest Blueprint from your git repo

Automations seem to stop once I switch to 0.12, Iā€™ll need to dig deeper maybe in the frigate/events.
Having multiple blueprint versions on different automations shouldnt cause an issue hopefully.

Iā€™ve made sure they all reference the same entities.

No i have about 5 versions going. never an issue.

Out of curiosity what repo are you using for frigate on Unraid. Realised iā€™m still on beta 10

you can install the mqtt explorer addon in HA and visually check that frigate/events is getting traffic

The automation YAML between the 0.11 and 0.12 (Stable blueprints) are exactly the same logically:

alias: Frigate - 0.12 - Frontdoor
description: ""
  path: SgtBatten/Stable.yaml
    tv_transparency: 0%
    notify_device: 3ddb2479b745279e95ac92b67c4c4227
    message: "{{label}} at front door."
    update_thumbnail: true
    base_url: https://xxx/
    tv_size: large
    tv_position: center
    tv: true
    color: grey

Working automation blueprint yaml for 0.11 and 3.0.0

alias: Frigate - 0.11 - Frontdoor
description: ""
  path: SgtBatten/frigate_0.11_notification.yaml
    tv_transparency: 0%
    notify_device: 3ddb2479b745279e95ac92b67c4c4227
    message: "{{label}} was seen on the front door."
    tv_size: max
    tv_position: top-right
    tv: true
    base_url: https://xxx/
    tv_interrupt: false
    color: grey
    tv_duration: "12"

Iā€™m pulling the docker image on unraid from:

Are there any issues on that beta repo? Otherwise I might try it.
Also are you using the beta blueprint or stable? What is the difference in compat?

You shouldnā€™t have to even change your automations, they just work with both versions as the only things it really needs from frigate are the entity id from the integration and the mqtt messages to get all the event info.

The difference between the stable and beta is often minimal, just me testing a few new options or adding things people have requested. I do the regular changes to beta, then when happy merge them into stable.

Iā€™ll change my frigate container to stable and confirm.

Can I ask which version of MQTT are you on in Home Assistant? I know that 6.2.0 broke events when bridging

the addon says 6.2.0 on mine.

I am also wondering if I can use the Frigate 4.0.0 Integration (HACS) on Frigate 0.11
I am guessing you must have this combo for everything to work.

Frigate 0.11 + Frigate Integration custom component 3.x HACS
Frigate 0.12 + Frigate Integration custom component 4.x HACS

Crossing the Frigate versions (which I have not done) with the custom Integration in HA wouldnt be supported or expected to work.

Yeah the only way I got 6.2.0 to work was if the Debug option was toggled (This was a fix mentioned on one of the forums and git for mosquitto) - Do you have Debug enabled on the addon?

No, but im not bridging like you. my MQTT server is the HA Addon

Correct according to the release notes of the integration

I see how do you pull the events into the MQTT on HA from the Frigate instance running on Unraid?

Perhaps I have totally misunderstood how this all hangs together.
I thought the events had to be visible in HA for any automation to work since it is proxying from Unraid

Thanks very helpful yeah I understand.
I wanted MQTT to be hosted centrally but it appears to be more trouble than it is worth with bridges

This is my MQTT config on HA bridging to the broker on Unraid:

connection bridge-01
topic # out 0
topic # in 0

Iā€™m 100% sure that Frigate on Unraid is pushing events to the MQTT broker on Unraid.
As Double take is able to use these events and do the recognition.

Latest update

Iā€™ve found when update HA OS to v10+ it breaks the websockets on the MQTT broker for anything lower than MQTT 6.2.0. So the MQTT Bridge broke causing events not being pulled back into HA for it to register for the Automations.

  • If using MQTT 6.2.0 then bridged events do not work unless ā€˜Debugā€™ is enabled on the Addon.

the first lines in my frigate config are mqtt login details

  host:                 (HA IP address)
  topic_prefix: frigate              (default so not really required)
  client_id: frigate                 (default so not really required)
  user: frigateuser
  password: frigatepassword

Docs: Frigate Configuration | Frigate

and in the MQTT addon i have a matching login configured.


This is correct. MQTT is how the automation gets all the event details

Is it possible to set ā€œCritical Notificationā€œ only to notify if the detection is above 85%? I have my filter limited to person, but sometimes a cat for example can get identified as a person with like 79% score and trigger critical notification.

May be not related to the blueprint but what does the 4 digit number next to the percentage on the snapshot indicate?