Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

Thanks, I’m sure I’ve been running it myself but wondering if you not having a baseurl set is affecting it. Honestly could be anything and hard to use vscode on my phone. Might be a few days before I can work out the root issue

It appears to be with the selector default value being an array declaration I guess. Moved it to one line.

Line 267 - 268

EDIT: I was looking at 0.11.05 - which also produces the error.

Maybe here at line 194:

      name: Custom button link
      description: Customise what happens when you press the third Action Button. Select from one of the preconfigured options or enter your own custom URL.
        - "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/snapshot.jpg"

Should be:

      name: Custom button link
      description: Customise what happens when you press the third Action Button. Select from one of the preconfigured options or enter your own custom URL.
      default: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/snapshot.jpg"

Thank you both. I missed it because I have something set for custom url, but the default was broken. Gists updated.

Thank you for the updates, I have now updated your blueprint (I didn’t even notice the sound issue to be fair!) and I took the chance to integrate the boolean for critical notifications (I still appreciate your solution which worked very well).

The changes I’ve made to your blueprint:

      name: (Optional) Critical Notification
      description: >
        Send as a critical notification to the mobile device.
        Sometimes notifications (particularly on android) are delayed, this will resolve this.
      default: ""
            - input_boolean
priority: "{{ 'critical' if is_state('input_boolean.alarmcriticalnotification', 'on') else 'active' }}"
interruption-level: "{{ 'critical' if is_state('input_boolean.alarmcriticalnotification', 'on') else 'active' }}"

input_boolean.alarmcriticalnotification —> this is my boolean name, I don’t know how to make it (yet) more generic

Feel free to ignore it if you don’t think is worth to integrate in the main one, but I just share it for the community anyway.

Thank you again!

I seem to be running into an issue when using a notification group… I have the group defined in configuration.yaml as (which I can call manually from Developer Tools > Settings):

  - name: "all_phones"
    platform: group
      - service: mobile_app_iphone
      - service: mobile_app_siphone

But Home Assistant displays the following error:

The automation "Front Door (Person)" (automation.front_door_person) has an action that calls an unknown service: notify.all_phones.

With the following being the automation config:

alias: Front Door (Person)
description: ""
  path: SgtBatten/frigate_0.11_notification.yaml
    camera: camera.front_door
      - person
    update_thumbnail: true
    alert_once: true
    cooldown: 60
    notify_group: all_phones

restart home assistant or reload the groups yaml from developer tools.

I did that :thinking: but the error is still there. Seems to even be working for other cameras

try re-creating the automation.

Its not the blueprint as I use groups too and its works fine with the stable and beta versions of this blueprint.

also assume the ‘.’ at the end of the error message is part of the text and not a typo in the group name?

hmm I deleted the automation and the error is still there :man_shrugging:

Even if I click on the edit the automation link in the error, it doesn’t work because the automation doesn’t exist. Weird.

Anyway, it’s not a blueprint error, so it’s not relevant to this thread anymore.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Eurgh. It requires you to hit Submit to confirm the issue has been resolved :roll_eyes:

Thanks bexam. In the beta version i’ve already provided a way to achieve exactly what you are doing.

The critical input is now a template entry. There are 4 examples in a drop down menu or you can enter your own by typing it

For you, your template would be like {{‘true’ if is_state(‘input_boolean.alarmcriticalnotification’, ‘on’) else ‘false’ }}

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Support for notifying to Android TV (Notifications for Android TV / Fire TV - Home Assistant) , which has support for images, would be really awesome. Currently it seems that some fields aren’t supported.

      - service: camera.snapshot
          filename: /config/www/snapshots/doorbell_latest.jpg
          entity_id: camera.doorbell_person
      - service: notify.shield
          message: Someone is near the door!
          title: Motion Entrance
              path: /config/www/snapshots/doorbell_latest.jpg
      - service: media_player.media_pause
        data: {}
          entity_id: media_player.android_tv

Just wanted to share my workaround, if anyone has a better solution please share it too, might not be the right topic tho! But for now this is my workaround as I don’t know if there are ways to send clips as notification or realtime feed.

PS: Many thanks again SgtBatten!

Thanks for keeping the blueprint updated, I just would recommend you to create a new thread in order to make it easier to find your work!

Why create a new thread?

Currently you need to scroll the whole thread to find a working blueprint.

I guess it’s simpler to simply update the original blueprint then.

You can’t run it manually like that. It needs info from a frigate mqtt message.

I notice you have notify device and group configured. When a group target is configured it will not try to send to an individual device so it is only trying to send to your group. Your group is configured incorrectly. do not include the domain notify. i.e it should just be notify not notify.notify

However i see the description is not very clear so i have created an update to the beta that will adjust incorrect entries for a few situations including the one you have configured.

Also your lists for person and zimmer should be lowercase.

So in summary.
make the object and zone lists lowercase.
Try the latest Beta or correct your configuration by deleting the group completely (to use a single device) or removing the domain and just having the group name.

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just wanted to say thanks SgtBatten, you really saved frigate for me. This automation script ties it all together and really brings it home for usability.