Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

yeap the manual trigger is i think what i started with but then that one is a trigger added to the notification where u click on manually correct? then i did the custom action auto trigger, but it did not work… i removed the actions from that one and put them on custom action auto trigger in loop and that seems to work fine, but it is a bit delayed…so you are saying i should have the same actions in auto trigger in loop like i have now in custom action auto trigger as well? and that should fix the delay??

thanks a ton!

The auto trigger is in two parts, the initial notification and the subsequent loop.

If the desired outcome is to have the custom action trigger every time a notification is sent you want to use both.

i just want it to follow the blueprint and only run the actions when it is for the zone…not sure which one or if using both would work.

i put it to both and after doing so the actions do not run… i think maybe it should just be auto trigger in loop?

You should use both.

Post your automation?

And a screenshot of the trace tree where you think it didn’t run please

i put it back to auto trigger in loop and it ran…i will put both then test it and send over.

so it looks like it worked with both of them…its interesting tho… as mentioned earlier i will get the notification on the group of phones, but it doesnt alwyas follow the actions.

so there was motion in front and i got the notifcation and the actions played.

got another notification saying motion but actions didnt go through? shouldnt it be that if i get a notification the actions should also go through?

edit 1 : is this from cooldown or Silence New Object Notifications (Optional)

Sometime recently it seems that all my blueprints that use a nofication group are no longer working. Did I miss a breaking change somewhere?

edit: If it matters, I’m using

this is an issue with HA core 2023.11

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Ahhh, okay. Well that makes sense. Any idea if a fix has been found/scheduled?

it’s something that the blueprint needs to fix from what I understand, I am unaware if it has already been fixed for the frigate blueprint

Simply select a device. It is now a mandatory field.

It won’t change the group notifications as they override devices already.

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Hello everyone. I use this puppy for some rime already and just recently i noticed that its not sending me anythung anymore.
Now that i am checking it says “Automation is unavailable” and i have this droid head with the question mark.

Any ideas what might have happened?

No idea, can you edit the automation still or its gone?

I can edit it and when i try to safe it it says "meassage malformed: device unknown ‘false’

My system is version 2023.11.2

Interestingly, while poking around just now i found that i have 2 frigate notification blueprints??!!, one without a version number and one with Something seems to be odd

On the unknown device one select a device. Same as above.

Ahhh, got it. Thanks.

I’ve found one issue preventing the initial action from working which is probably why you are seeing variations. Will try to fix it tonight.

If you want to do it though edit the blueprint and on line 938 there are 3 places it uses the key entered_zones. this needs to change to enteredzones with no underscore

here is the complete section with the fix

          - alias: "Custom Action Auto"
              - conditions:
                  - "{{ custom_action_auto |length > 0 }}"
                  - "{{ not zone_only or (not zone_multi and zones|select('in', enteredzones)|list|length > 0) or (zone_multi and enteredzones|length > 0 and zones |reject('in', enteredzones) |list |length == 0) }}"
                  - "{{ not initial_home }}"
                  - "{{ not state_only or states(input_entity) in states_filter }}"

Hello, i tried that one on the beta but did not change a thing.
It lets me save as soon i put a device name in but was using group name before. Hope that leads u in samo direction.
Is there actually a practical way to debug and single stepping like in regular sdk’s?

Correct, use a device and a group. it will behave as if you only use a group as per the group description.

The traces usually offer answers as you can see where things are failing, but only if the automation starts, until you add a device it wont be working.

HA 2023.11 enforces a new validation on the device input that they did not previously, hence it now being mandatory.