Frigate Mobile App Notifications 2.0

This is a beast of a blueprint!

I have a couple issues:

  1. My HomePod has a doorbell notification when an object is detected. This is nice, actually. However, I’d like to turn off the mobile HomeKit notification, since it does not work well (I cannot get Frigate’s stream to work at all inside HomeKit). So, I love the doorbell sound, but I want the notification to remain in HomeAssistant [Companion App] only.
  2. I’d like to get a bit granular on notifications so that only certain objects produce certain notifications based on certain conditions. Would this be done inside an automation and involve the blueprint or what exactly?


Objects yes, zones no, it would be problematic. Something I’d like to do after I convert most of the current beta to stable.

I’ve no familiarity with homekit so can’t help there.

For #2 my first thought is to use multiple automations. Many things can be setup for conditional variation, but not everything, so seperate automations would simplify the setup

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Thank you.

How would automations be used with a blueprint, though?

For example, the blueprint is setup to send the notifications. If I wanted to add conditions, where would I start?

To use this blueprint you create an automation using it. The filters section is all about conditions. If you need custom conditions only the beta has that supported currently.


Ever since I installed the Beta, the notifications no longer work — with either the stable or beta blueprint.

I’ve uninstalled the stable version to see if the duplicate blueprints were causing an issue. I double checked the device. I changed the device.

Nothing seems to work.

Any ideas?

I have 15 copies of the automation setup so it’s definitely not that. They run independently.

Enable debug and check the traces for the reason it’s not resulting in notifications

I’m loving this blueprint but I have suddenly stopped receiving notifications for one copy of it and I can’t understand why.

For each camera I have a version of the blueprint such that it is limited to a certain detection type (person, animal, vehicle) and for one of my person automations I’m no longer getting any notifications, but the animal one for the same camera works fine.

This one works fine:

alias: Frigate Notifications - Garden Shed - Animal
description: ""
  path: SgtBatten/Stable.yaml
    camera: camera.garden_shed
    notify_device: a6d5021135f5d9c83da82eb6ed0de9bc
    message: Animal detected near garden shed
    critical: "true"
    attachment: snapshot
      - dog
      - cat
    debug: true

This one sends no notification anymore, but did a few weeks ago…

alias: Frigate Notifications - Garden Shed - Person
description: ""
  path: SgtBatten/Stable.yaml
    camera: camera.garden_shed
    notify_device: a6d5021135f5d9c83da82eb6ed0de9bc
    message: Person detected near Garden shed
    critical: "true"
    attachment: snapshot
      - person
    debug: true

I don’t know what the issue could be. Anyone have any tips?

If it’s creating traces you should be able to analyse which conditions were not met.

Good point.

It fails on this:

alias: Notifications enabled for object label
condition: template
value_template: '{{ not labels|length or object in labels }}'

but yet I don’t see anything different in my automation / blueprint settings between the two automations.

If that’s truely where it fails then it’s saying the event wasn’t a person. Given you have frigate setup for more than just people objects though, double check you are looking at a trace that’s relevant.

I have had a few good suggestions to move the object conditional statements into he higher level automation conditions which I plan to do. This will help reduce the false traces (due to other objects) when I can get to it.

It’s definitely the right trace as the person / animal automations are separate;

Both seem to get triggered at the same time which I’m not sure if that’s how the blueprint operates or because my dog was also in the area.

Actually, now that I look into this further it seems I need to reduce the threshold setting in Frigate for this camera as it’s not registering people detections anymore.

EDIT: confirmed that the threshold setting on this particular camera was the issue. Sorry about wasting time here.

No trouble mate, but for your information, the object filter is not high enough in the blueprint to stop it triggering. You dog will trigger the people blueprint, but it wont send notifications. That’s was what I referred to by moving the object condition earlier. In your screenshots, a dog triggered both of those. It later failed the object test in the person trace.

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Ah, thanks for clearing that up.

I’m getting notified on some weird false positives. They are false positives via the blueprint only, not frigate. Whenevet I get the notifications and click on either the snapshot or clip I get the following error on a blank screen:
{“message”:“Event not found”,“success”:false}

Can you please make an issue on GitHub and provide all the config (frigate and automation)

Any idea why I get random notifications if somebody is detected while I have set a presence filter? It detects all the time and I’m home all the time but at some point a notification is thrown then. This is my config:

alias: Kamera - Papa Schlafzimmer - Frigate Notifications (
description: ""
  path: SgtBatten/Stable.yaml
    camera: camera.papa_schlafzimmer
    notify_device: 9544dc2deb9ccc0acb20338639131160
    color: red
    icon: mdi:cctv
    button_1: Clip
    button_2: Foto
    button_3: Stumm (30 Min)
    channel: Motion
    title: Bewegung in {{ camera_name }}
    message: >-
      {{ label }} {{ 'ist aktuell' if loitering else 'erkannt' }} - {{
      camera_name }} um {{ now().strftime('%H:%M:%S') }}.
    critical: "true"
    loiter_timer: 1
    ios_live_view: true
    notify_group: smartphones
    presence_filter: person.papa

What could be the reason? I try to track the trace but it’s way too complicated for me to understand.

Unfortunately the trace is what is needed to be looked at. You can share it via a github issue easily if you have time.

I’ve been using this blueprint for the past year without issue so thanks! On my Samsung S22+ I can see the thumbnail in the notification, I used to be able to expand that notification to see a much larger thumbnail in the notification panel for a better view of who’s at the door. Over the past couple of days that’s no longer the case and the image vanishes if I expand the notification (and comes back to the small one when shrinking it). My partners Samsung A52 doesn’t have the same problem (yet… I’m on the beta app) so I’m sure it’s not this blueprint but has anyone faced the same issue?

Yep I noticed the same thing today. Pixel 7 pro

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