Frigate Mobile App Notifications

I’ve done it a different way using the lower command. No idea if it’s a valid way of doing it within a value_template though. Trying to test but i’m not home. Have also updated the code block above that you have been copying if you want to test

I won’t be able to test anymore tonight. I just climbed into bed. Tomorrow evening I will be back at it again. Thank you for your help!

No worries, I also just realised the error with the previous method. I was using a variable without defining it properly first. So if this lower method (which is better anyway) fails I can try the previous way with the toggle again, but better.

Reading through some of the latest posts in here after updating my Frigate from 0.10 to the latest stable at 0.11.1, I’m unsure about which version of the blueprint I should be using. Can someone clarify for me what the best version is right now? Thanks.

I’m so sorry, I was wrong. I didn’t recognize that I was in a wrong field (notification instead of entities). I changed the blueprint acc. to your advice and have to test it tomorrow.

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Hunterjms has a bug so you’ll need to fix it to work with frigate 0.11 as they have not updated it yet. edit line 164 and change ‘or’ to ‘else’
fps: '{{ fps_value|int if is_number(fps_value) else 5 }}'

I am not trying to replace the one this topic is about but temporarily offering some updates until they return including a cleaner fix for the above. While I was at it I tried to make a few improvements too. Up to you.


Hello everyone…

I tried to folloq your routes and now a i get
‘’ The automation “Notification_Movement_on_Driveway” (automation.notification_movement_on_driveway ) has an action that calls an unknown service: notify.notificationgroup‘’
I configured my group in the configuration.yaml
But it seems not to see it…
Any ideas?

device_tracker. blah blah is not a valid notification service.

you should use the name of the mobile app notification services excluding the domain. you might need to find them by looking in developer tools > services.

here’s one of mine:

  - name: Me and Her
    platform: group
      - service: mobile_app_pixel_4a
      - service: mobile_app_samsung_s21


Did you call those mobil bla bla or did this come from hass when you onboarded the phones?
I looked through all devices and entites, but no mobile anything.
But thx for the hint…
Will try to find

I believe they are generated by HA when you use a mobile app

you will only find them in developer tools >services. they are not entities or devices.


I have running Home Assistant on a Pi and FriGate because of disk space on my Synology NAS.
It is perfect working together.

I tried the blue print to get my frigate notifications, but is never fired.
If I just make an automation that is fire a text notification on camera motion sensor event it is fired and shown in the app.
Does this blueprint not work if frigate is not on the same system like home assistant?

Oh great, with this hint i was able to find them.
Havent been able to test yet, but let you know…
Next on my list woulb be how i can tell the blueprint that the same group i want to notify needs to be not home to trigger notifocations…
Can i just replace any device in that field with the group name?
Thx in advance

It works fine, my own setup is different machines like yours.

To troubleshoot compare the entity id of the camera with the frigate config. Are they identical?

Is mqtt working? Can you see mqtt messages
of events making it to home assistant? Check mqtt logs.

Check home assistant logs for errors.

You need to create another group, you can have device groups, people groups etc just needs to only be entities that have the home or not home states. Then use this entity for that field.

Very nice! I just tested it and it worked with the mobile app so app services! And with your hint towards device group I will get the absence filthe absence filter set as well! Commission mark only thing not working now is playing the clip from N from android!
The link it creates looks kinda OK sokay so I will need to find what’s missing

Can you access home assistant at the IP and port from your phone normally?

Edit: also try enabling “Enable the unauthenticated notification event proxy” in the frigate integration

I can access hass from phone via outside url non ssl and internally via hostname and ip, non of those do th clip or snapshot view
Playing with phone group as devices but yaml check always says not installed integration with the name i tried to give the group like notify for the first one

In your blueprint, put your external IP and port in the (Optional) Base URL. That should fix it. If this is not set, it uses the address under Settings->System->Network-Internet Field.

Hello…thx for the answer…
I have that in there already…tried with and without / at the end but no luck…
Tried to find the “clip.mp4” in my system files on the frigate share, but they have all other names…
Is that clip just temporary called that way or symlinked of some sort?

On the HA Frigate integration, do you have Enable the media browser checked? If so, you should be able to go to the sidebar, Click Media, then Frigate, then Clips. This is where all the clips, recordings, and snapshots are accessed from.

Yup, that is enabled and everything locally is working buenno, just not from the frigate blueprint notification.
Only issue i have that i cannot access the clip or snapshot that is mentioned in the blueprint notification when i get it and i cannot find out how to create a group that would include my and my wifes phone and when we are not home the send notifications when someone is detected…
All i can do is selecting one or the other phone