Frigate records on NAS and Home Assistant


I have successfully set up Frigate to record on a Truenas share. However it also still records to the media folder on home assistant as well as Truenas.

Frigate is installed as the HA integration.

Any help is gratefully appreciated.


how are you verifying this? The media will still show in the media folder in the HA dashboard even when the data is actually stored on the NAS

I’m using the Samba share to view the media folder on Home Assistant. I can see both HA and the NAS folders populating with the same files.Even if I delete the Frigate folder on from Home Assistant media it just returns.

right, because HA mounts the folder on the system as /media/frigate, and the samba share exposes this. This still does not indicate that the files are being stored on the internal storage.

Yeah you are correct. Don’t know why I didn’t realise that. I double checked by deleting a couple of files from the NAS and checked they also deleted from HA’s media folder.

Thanks for your help. Much appreciated.

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what hardware would you recommed for running Truenas on?