From State when device isn't the trigger

Thanks, yes in the live automation it is set to 30 seconds. this automation was a prototype that I resurrected to try and not have the resultant hvac mode hardcoded like in the live automation. And yes, it’s to stop the HVAC being turned back on and overriding the automation :smiley:

  - repeat:
        - type: is_open
          condition: device
          device_id: 5d1462e165b640c556e60afb54c2ff50
          entity_id: binary_sensor.contact_sensor_3
          domain: binary_sensor
        - device_id: ea4059467048852d9de7f0067c09a47e
          domain: climate
          entity_id: climate.small_bedroom
          type: set_hvac_mode
          hvac_mode: "off"
        - delay:
            hours: 0
            minutes: 0
            seconds: 30
            milliseconds: 0

Just add an automation that sets the helper when the mode is changed, but condition it to NOT be “Off”.

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If you’re interested, here’s how to ensure the thermostat remains off while the window is open without employing repeat and delay.

alias: example
mode: queued
  - id: window
    platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.contact_sensor_3
      - 'off'
      - 'on'
      - 'on'
      - 'off'
  - id: hvac
    platform: state
    entity_id: climate.small_bedroom
    from: 'off'
condition: []
  - choose:
      - conditions: "{{ == 'window' }}"
          - if: "{{ trigger.to_state.state == 'on' }}"
              - service: scene.create
                  scene_id: before
                    - climate.small_bedroom
              - service: climate.set_hvac_mode
                  entity_id: climate.small_bedroom
                  hvac_mode: 'off'
              - service: scene.turn_on
                  entity_id: scene.before
      - conditions:
          - "{{ == 'hvac' }}"
          - "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.contact_sensor_3', 'on') }}"
          - service: climate.set_hvac_mode
              entity_id: climate.small_bedroom
              hvac_mode: 'off'
    default: []

The advantages are:

  • Turns off the thermostat immediately as opposed to waiting until the delay expires.
  • It’s driven exclusively by state-changes so the automation doesn’t remain in a busy state while looping through a repeat.
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that’s just words tbh, I’m not an expert and having to work from examples, can you pad it out a bit, also text helpers

thank you

thank you that has the same functionality :slight_smile: but it also fails at the same place. When turning the thermostat back on in HEAT (full auto) mode it sets the mode to FAN ONLY (temporary manual)

the scene_id before seems to be changed at light off / window closed … before changed to 29 March 2023 at 17:27

Bedroom changed to Fan only triggered by automation window test 2 triggered by state of Bedroom light
17:27:12 - In 1 second
window test 2 triggered by state of Bedroom
17:27:12 - In 1 second
Bedroom changed to Heat triggered by automation window test 2 triggered by state of Bedroom light
17:27:12 - In 1 second
before changed to 29 March 2023 at 17:27 triggered by automation window test 2 triggered by state of Bedroom light
17:27:10 - Now
window test 2 triggered by state of Bedroom light
17:27:10 - Now
Bedroom light turned off
17:27:10 - Now

I think there is a blueprint for this already…


The example I posted wasn’t meant to fix that.

That behavior appears to be a limitation of how your thermostat responds to the restoration of its previous state.

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That blueprint monitors the window’s state but not the thermostat’s state. So if someone turns the thermostat back on while the window is open, it won’t turn the thermostat back off.

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It’s OK, it’s much better than I had before. I can use HA to set the mode hardcoded but just not dynamically from the scene .

But not good enough to be the solution. Apparently ‘sets the helper when the mode is changed, but condition it to NOT be “Off”’ is all you needed to do to solve it?

I don’t know what that means, what helper?

You tell me. You marked that post with the Solution tag.

I guess I set that as the solution by accident :open_mouth: you may not understand how much I’m winging-it here :smiley:

so I know this works fine

    domain: climate
    entity_id: climate.bedroom
    type: set_hvac_mode
    hvac_mode: Heat

so is there a way to replace heat with a variable = original state? or do scenes have properties like scene.state I can reference instead of whole scene, like scene.before.hvac_mode ?

That’s a Device Action and it doesn’t support templating (i.e. none of its options can be assigned a variable’s value or some other entity’s value).

However, a service call, like the climate.set_hvac_mode service call I used in my example above, does support templates. So if you have stored the thermostat’s original state in an Input Text (let’s call it input_text.small_bedroom) then you can reference its value like this:

          - service: climate.set_hvac_mode
              entity_id: climate.small_bedroom
              hvac_mode: "{{ states('input_text.small_bedroom') }}"

Reference: Templating

Thank you, but how do I do this, I’ve been searching for ages

Have a look at the example in the documentation for Input Text. Your version will look something like this:

      - service: input_text.set_value
          entity_id: input_text.small_bedroom
          value: "{{ states('climate.small_bedroom') }}"

Thank you, I was reading that action as a result of the automation not as setting a variable.

It’s still not working, now the thermostat doesn’t turn back on.

          - if:
              - condition: template
                value_template: "{{ trigger.to_state.state == 'on' }}"
              - service: input_text.set_value
                  entity_id: input_text.bedroom
                  value: "{{ states('climate.bedroom') }}"
              - service: climate.set_hvac_mode
                  entity_id: climate.bedroom
                  hvac_mode: "off"
              - service: climate.set_hvac_mode
                  entity_id: climate.bedroom
                  hvac_mode:  "{{ states('input_text.bedroom') }}"

if I replace that last line with

                  hvac_mode:  heat

or cool , or fan_only, it turns back on in the mode I specified.

I have managed to work out other automations eventually, but this has me stumped at every turn

Go to Developer Tools > States and find input_text.bedroom. What is its state value?

Also, what is reported in the automation’s trace (the trace for the version where hvac_mode uses a template)?

No entities found for input_text.bedroom or input_text

in developer tools templates value: “{{ states(‘climate.bedroom’) }}” results in a string value: “heat”

Triggered by the state of light.bedroom_light at 30 March 2023 at 18:37:38
Choose: Option 1 executed
Stopped because an error was encountered at 30 March 2023 at 18:37:38 (runtime: 0.04 seconds)

expected HVACMode or one of 'off', 'heat', 'cool', 'heat_cool', 'auto', 'dry', 'fan_only' for dictionary value @ data['hvac_mode']