Fronius Primo Energy Dashboard setup

Apologies, had HA installed for under a week, not entirely sure what to paste in. So i may need some guidance. Here are all the Fronius entities I can see via the developer tools page, as you can see there are quite alot, which is why its odd that i cannot see them in the Energy configuration page.
The ones i believe i need to have an accurate representation are the grid powerflow sensor for the consumption and also the AC powerflow sensor for the solar.

Try setting device: 0 (or just remove it). You should have additional meter entities then. There you will find the right ones.

Thanks!!! more have come up now like your previous post, I have made the changes and will give it a few hours to see if it updates.


I try to set up the energy tab and i don’t know witch enitities to put there for:

  • Grid consumption
  • Return to grid
  • Solar production

For now, since yesterday, I have:

Grid consumption - Energy real consumed Fronius Meter 0
Return to grid - Energy real produced Fronius Meter 0
Solar production - Total energy Fronius Inverter 1

But I think something is not right. The solar web application shows me some values and the energy tab shows me other values.

Home Assistant
Solar Web

The entities that I have for Fronius are:

I also want to have a card with the energy consumed today, how can I do that?

Can you help me?

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