Frontend Panel for Diabetics using a Dexcom CGM

That looks like you’re pasting the card code into your configuration.yaml. The first part of the code is for the card - i.e., create new card in Lovelace (manual) and then paste the code.

thank you. I’ll have to do some research to figure this out. I have never created a new card in lovelace (total noob) so I will start there. thanks for getting back to me…can’t wait to get this going

No problem. One other piece to point out - make sure you have installed custom button card (via HACS). This won’t work with the default Home Assistant cards. It is very easy if you have HACS installed: GitHub - custom-cards/button-card: ❇️ Lovelace button-card for home assistant

I know this is a topic for the frontend, but I know some Dexcom users are here.

Since a while, the integration doens’t provide any values. Already removed and readded. But the values stay unknown.

Anyone else have the same experience? Or should I dig a bit further?

I had the same issue yesterday after updating the Dexcom App on iOS. For me it was no issue with the integration at all but with the app, after removing and reinstalling the app on iOS it started working again

and removing the iOS app doesn’t cripple the connection through BLE connection?it does. And it works, thanks for pointing this out.

Glad to hear it is working for you as well.
There is no Dexcom support in Sweden and the Swedish reseller does not take me seriously, I bet more people have the same issue without knowing they do. Data seems to be stored locally in the iOS app.

I’m running into this issue this week as well. In Canada, update for the G6 app seems to have resulted in Unknows for my entities in HA. Tried deleting integration and reinstalling, tried removing iOS app and reinstalling. Still the same result. It’s one of the first updates to the app in Canada for quite some time… I see in the Integration documentation I need to have Dexcom Share feature enabled and sharing with at least one person. I do not have this enabled, and don’t believe I ever have. It’s worked for years without this… Any insights?
Side note - the Integration documentation refers to US and OUS (outside US). However when I set it up this time, there is only US and EU. I chose EU, though I am in Canada…

Setup Share, and now it’s working. Strange I had it operational for about 3 years now without any followers…

I guess the thing is, share needs to be enabled. I have this too, but my share invitation has expired. So no actual followers

Hi there. my name is Paul and this is my first post on this forum. I am also very new to Home Assistant - so pretty much a noob in this space. Have been playing with the Dexcom integration and have build a fairly straightforward dashboard so far. I really like this custom card and have been trying for a few days to incorporate it into my dashboard. Needless to say, been struggling quite a bit, but have slowly been able to chip away at most of the errors. I am hoping this is the last one, but just have not been able to get past it.


If I understand this error correctly, “‘input_number.dexcom_change’” needs to be defined. Or is this an entity that should be part of the Dexcom integration? At the moment this integration only has two entities (glucose value and glucose trend). is this perhaps a definition that needs to be included in the template.yaml file?

Hi dapalma,
Sorry for late response. I forgot to mention I use this helper to define change between readings. You can remove it from the config or create your own.

  1. You will need to create a helper under Settings > Devices > Helpers. This is a input_number helper. My helper is called Dexcom Change.

  2. Afterwards, create this automation:

alias: Glucose change helper
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - sensor.dexcom_YOURSENSOR_glucose_value
condition: []
  - service: input_number.set_value
      value: >-
        {{ ((trigger.to_state.state | int) - (trigger.from_state.state | int))
      entity_id: input_number.dexcom_change
mode: single

Hi Tomas. I am just picking this back up now but I still can’t figure out where I am going wrong. I have the custom button card installed along with the icons. I am in lovelace and manually adding the code. I took a screenshot as I don’t know how to format the code here

this looks awesome. I tried to replicate but no luck:

It looks like value_entity and trend_entity are incorrect.

thanks for the reply. i saw my error. is there a way to resize it? also, is there a way to adjust the time format? sorry i am a HA novice

Make sure you create all supporting templates in templates.yaml (or your config if you’re not splitting templates.yaml). The error above means you have not defined the sensor.dexcom_glucose_status (which is a template showing in range / out of range).

thanks I am trying to paste my template.yaml here but I am not sure how to format it. from what i can tell, everything looks to be correct

Everything looks good except the “- sensor:” part. Push that two empty spaces to the right.

Also, make sure you reference this file in your config.yaml. In your case, it should say:
template: !include templates.yaml