Frontend set_theme with mode not working?

The theme is applied correctly but the mode isn’t changing, it’s always using ‘light’.
The theme I choose has “dark” mode as well (i can select it in the profile UI) :

But when set in the automation, it only sets the theme but not the dark mode.
There is no error or anything, it simply ignores the mode
A workaround would be to split the themes into light & dark but I obviously prefer to use modes.

Yaml configuration: (I’ve used the UI to set it)

service: frontend.set_theme
  mode: dark
  name: iOS Theme moded

I’m experiencing the same problem, and have a seen a few people say it’s not working for them anymore.

I think this might be a bug.

…in fact, if I go to Developer Tools, Services and try to set themes from there it doesn’t work for me either. It only seems to work if I go to Profile and set themes from there,

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Also a bug for me :frowning:

Was really hoping for some finer control over dark mode rather than just matching my phone.