[Frontend] Support swipes between tabs

Currently there is no way to navigate between tabs with finger swipes. The problem is: tab icon are too small and very hard to aim. Especially when use android tablet as dashboard.
Considering HASS is already Material Design compliant, it would be great to have such basic feature as swipes https://material.io/design/interaction/gestures.html#types-of-gestures

Yep, use it pretty much exclusively on my phone so this would be really useful.

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+1, I really want to see swipe gestures between views.

I’ve seen in implemented by other webservers so hopefully this isn’t difficult to do. The example that I’ve seen it is for Valetudo local webserver running on the Xiaomi MiRobot vacuum.

Everyone please vote on this one!!! we’re at 11 atm.

There’s this change that does exactly as asked: Lovelace Swipe Navigation

I really hope this gets merged into the main branch of Home Assistant for v1.0