Full Snapshot is not a full snapshot

There does not appear to be an option for that:

Option: databases (required)

Database name, e.g., homeassistant . Multiple are allowed.

Option: logins (required)

This section defines a create user definition in MariaDB. Create User documentation.

Option: logins.username (required)

Database user login, e.g., homeassistant . User Name documentation.

Option: logins.password (required)

Password for user login. This should be strong and unique.

Option: rights (required)

This section grant privileges to users in MariaDB. Grant documentation.

Option: rights.username (required)

This should be the same user name defined in loginsusername .

Option: rights.database (required)

This should be the same database defined in databases .

Indeed… :frowning:

If you move it to the “shared” directory it is part of the snapshot.

NOTE: As of fall 2021, hassio.snapshot_full has been renamed to hassio.backup_full, be sure to update your automations