Fully Kiosk Browser layout not matching tab

I am using a old monitor for displaying a tab in my homeassistant. But I have some problems displaying all card as I want on the monitor. I tried changing the order number on the cards but I cant figure out exactly how the order works as the cards seams to jump around randomly. Except for the first few cards.

How do I control the cards positions and size exactly?
Also does anyone know how to remove the header from the top when casting using Fully kiosk browser ?

The masonry grid does flown a little weird…

If you want EXACT positions you’ll need something like Layout Card

Its not easy but you have full control.

You can also install Kiosk Mode add-on from HACS that allows to control what components of UI are displayed. In the simplest case you can then display your dashboard just adding ?kiosk at the end of URL to hide menu and side bars. Something like: