Fully Kiosk Browser


I copied your settings, I also managed to set my !secret foo_rest with the device IP. I am currently having trouble with the battery it’s not showing right now. Only the % is.


Do you have any idea why?


I can’t seem to get the camera view to work, other controls are working fine remotely and the tablets set for motion detection and that all works well but in the states I get this:

My configuration is:

  - name: tablet_camera
    platform: generic

any ideas please.

I seemed to have an issue with this as well. As my camera entity for my fire tablet does stay in idle. I was able to view the camera feed by restarting my tablet. Be sure the =password is your password for fully kiosk remote

yeah, password all correct, If I log into the url from a browser, I can see the setting etc. but selecting ‘show screenshot’ or ‘cam shot’ displays ‘Not available’.

What settings are people using to stop their Fully Kiosk tablet going offline?

Mine seems to drop off after a while despite setting everything I can think of to keep it awake.
I am considering setting up the MQTT as I think that would have to keep it alive because it publishes every minute, but it seems a bit of overkill…

Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Thanks @poldim

This indeed did solve my problem on Fire 7 5th Gen where the Fully Kiosk Browser was not working with my custom lovelace Button Card (likely because FKB was using the older underlying WebView).

For those who may be interested: the video is good to figure out how to install TWRP on Fire Tablet 5th gen (yes I had to crack open mine), but don’t continue to install the “Fire OS Revamped” ROM as it still has the older WebView. Instead, install the Fire Nexus ROM (ggow Ford variant, May 26 2019) that is mentioned here for Fire 5th Gen. I also installed OpenGapps (for Android 5.1 and nano variant) and Magisk (v19.3) at the same time. I used Google Play Store to download FKB and after that all works fine including the subsequent upgrade to HA 0.99.x.

Could it be that something has to be changed in the script? I copied it and executed it from the HassIO SSH addon, but nothing is happening on my Fully Kiosk.
Other commands work fine.

{"statustext":"Switching the screen on","status":"OK"}{"statustext":"Loading URL javascript:document.querySelector('home-assistant').shadowRoot.querySelector('home-assistant-main').fire('hass-more-info',{en
tityId:'camera.achtertuin'}) ...","status":"OK"}#

I am using platform:local_file as the camera image for a picture glance card. In general, the image shows up fine. But, a couple of games a day, the image “breaks” and does not show. If I pull down to refresh, the image shows back up. This only happens on FKB. Any ideas on what might be the issue?

Question. I am using a fairly slow tablet although it is on Android 8.1

The issue I have is when the screen comes on the webpage appears to need to refresh. It is unresponsive for 15secs or so then reloads then is fine. Is there some way to keep the page connected or alive even when the screen is off so that there is no delay to being able to use it?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I am going to try regularly switching the screen on to get the page to refresh and hopefully be ready to go when I need it. Here is my automation if anyone has an issue in the future of a similar nature.

- alias: Tablet Screen on
    - platform: time_pattern
      minutes: "/15"
    - condition: time
      after: '09:00:00'
      before: '23:00:00'
    - service: shell_command.tablet_on

- alias: Tablet Screen off
    - platform: time_pattern
      minutes: "/15"
      seconds: 59
    - condition: state
      entity_id: light.pantry
      state: 'off'
    - service: shell_command.tablet_off
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Awesome! Thank you!

Hi all,
Looking for another tablet. Whilst I see on the Fully website that they say the app works ok with android 4.4 and up I just want to know in terms of home assistant are there any issues? Specifically I run the Floorplan add on. Will it work ok with Android 4.4? What about Lovelace if I start using that in the future?
Thanks in advance!

I would look for a tablet running at least Android 5. It has the upgradable version of Webview that you will need to display lovelace properly.

Thanks for the info Glenn.

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I’ve seen a few similar questions, but don’t think anyone has answered. Has anyone gotten fully kiosk to not become unresponsive after some amount of time? After some number of minutes FK appears to lose its connection to HA and button presses are very delayed unless I pull down to refresh.

i think thats something that has to do with the device and not with FK.
because i never had such things.

Same here. No issues, even on a low spec device such as Fire HD7

Hi all

I’ve been using fully kiosk on 2 wall tablets for a year without issues, since latest updates I’m having problems loading specific urls via curl commands.

I used to be able to load a URL with my doorbell cam when motion sensor is tripped to front door.

I used this code

 - platform: command_line
       command_on: /usr/bin/curl -k ""
       command_off: /usr/bin/curl -k ""
     friendly_name: front door camera

Note: Indentation is off when pasted

Command on would load my lovelace view with a full screen camera feed, when off would go back to my default monitor view.

The command is sent and it goes to load but flicks back to default lovelace view.

I have tried updating fully kiosk, restart and wipe cache, disable custom header, change the URL of the camera view, try a different view altogether eg my temp sensor view, no luck. Its doing the same thing on two different tablets.

The funny thing is if I send the url to www.google.com it works fine ?

As a note I can manually click the view and see the camera feed no problems its just loading via an automation which is an issue.

UPDATE : turns out was custom header code in lovelace, removed completely and reinstalled now working

What is the URL for webcam access? Why is it not told in the settings when you enable it? Why is it nor documented anywhere?

Does someone also have lots of lag using FKB?
