Fully Kiosk Browser

i dont think so.
i dont believe its android driven.

it might work if you have a tablet that is mirrored to it. but as i see it, it more like a kind of touchscreen beamer. it needs some source that has the pages to view.

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Thanks @ReneTode!! Was thinking of hooking up a RPI to it, but I recon that can’t be made Android driven either? Maybe I should try to create something similar with AppDeamon?

I have a perfect wall in the kitchen to integrate a vertical large home control screen on:

On it I would like to have (a) a calendar for the family, (b) a control panel/button tiles for the house and some central graphs, and © the opportunity to put on a stream. And maybe also have some rolling pictures on from the family album, the weather, maybe some news headlines and stock readings. A black board? Stuff like that. A lot would fit in on a screen that size – if the software was flexible.

an RPI with appdaemon and using HAdashboard could indeed by an option.
with HAdashboard you can do everything if you know a bit of javascript programming.
without that its going to be a challange.

fully can help a small bit to give commands from automations to the screen, but most of it is not really needed or can be done by appdaemon/ha itself.

but explore if there are not other touchscreen monitors you could consider.

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Thanks again! :slight_smile:

I will look around for other type of screens with Android, just that I could pick up one of those Samsung Flips at a very good price.

screens with android are hardly out there.
i got a 17 inch tablet, bigger is hardly available.
i ment normal touchscreen monitors (because you are going to treat it like a monitor anyway)

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Ok, perhaps someone who KNOWS what they are doing can help me here, because clearly I do not…lol. I want to be able to monitor the battery level of my Fire HD tablets I use around the house as HA panels. I’m pretty sure I have them configured properly for MQTT. I stole some code in an earlier post to create a sensor but all I receive is: Unknown…Below is the code I dropped in my YAML config…Any thoughts?

  - platform: mqtt
    state_topic: "fully/event/onBatteryLevelChanged/tablet-bedroom"
    name: "Tablet Bedroom Battery"
    value_template: "{{ value_json['level'] }}"
    unit_of_measurement: "%"
    device_class: battery 

its easier to listen to the state topic:

where your deviceid is the id that fully uses, not the name you gave it.
if you want to see more from what is happening on mqtt i advise to install a program like mqtt explorer.

if you got the right deviceid then you get json data like:

  "deviceId": "xxx",
  "deviceName": "tulip-ads",
  "batteryLevel": 100,
  "isPlugged": true,
  "SSID": "\"xxx\"",
  "Mac": "xxx",
  "ip4": "xxx",
  "ip6": "xxx",
  "hostname4": "Tablet-17inch.fritz.box",
  "hostname6": "xxx",
  "wifiSignalLevel": 9,
  "isMobileDataEnabled": false,
  "screenOrientation": 0,
  "screenBrightness": 255,
  "screenLocked": false,
  "screenOn": true,
  "batteryTemperature": 30,
  "plugged": true,
  "keyguardLocked": false,
  "locale": "de_DE",
  "serial": "xxx",
  "version": "1.42.5",
  "versionCode": 875,
  "build": "YF_XXXG_1920x1080_EN_8801S_20200611",
  "model": "YF_XXXG",
  "manufacturer": "Allwinner",
  "androidVersion": "6.0.1",
  "SDK": 23,
  "webviewUA": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; YF_XXXG Build/MMB29M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/87.0.4280.101 Safari/537.36",
  "foreground": "de.ozerov.fully",
  "motionDetectorStatus": 2,
  "isDeviceAdmin": true,
  "isDeviceOwner": false,
  "internalStorageFreeSpace": 2947596288,
  "internalStorageTotalSpace": 4416323584,
  "ramUsedMemory": 717385728,
  "ramFreeMemory": 308494336,
  "ramUsedMemory": 719020032,
  "ramFreeMemory": 306860032,
  "ramTotalMemory": 1025880064,
  "appUsedMemory": 16595200,
  "appFreeMemory": 67290880,
  "appUsedMemory": 17328144,
  "appFreeMemory": 66557936,
  "appTotalMemory": 83886080,
  "displayHeightPixels": 1080,
  "displayWidthPixels": 1920,
  "isMenuOpen": false,
  "topFragmentTag": "",
  "isInDaydream": false,
  "appStartTime": "30.03.21 02:19:33",
  "isRooted": false,
  "isLicensed": true,
  "isInScreensaver": false,
  "kioskLocked": false,
  "isInForcedSleep": false,
  "maintenanceMode": false,
  "kioskMode": false,
  "startUrl": "xxx",
  "currentTabIndex": 0,
  "mqttConnected": true,
  "currentPageUrl": "xxx"

if you want to listen to that event youll also need the device id, that is in your fully settings
its something like xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx

Ok, well I got the deviceID from the MQTTT logs…however I’m completely confused as to how to create a sensor from a state topic? Does this go in the YAML config?

probably something like

  - platform: mqtt
    state_topic: "fully/deviceInfo/your_deviceID"
    name: "Tablet Bedroom Battery"
    value_template: "{{ value_json['batteryLevel'] }}"
    unit_of_measurement: "%"
    device_class: battery 
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I do try to restart FKB on regular times using:

  - platform: command_line
        command_on: /usr/bin/curl -k ""
        command_off: /usr/bin/curl -k ""
        friendly_name: Restart FKB

That is 9 out of 10 times not working. and giving an error in HA log.
I do think that it happens because the screen is not on?
Any Ideas?
Is it possible to use a command to put screen on first?
Thanks in advance

i think that your problem is that when the screen is off the tablet falls asleep and loses connection to your network.
that happens to a lot of tablets.

thats why i always keep the screen on and only reduce brightness to a minimum.

Thanks for the answer.
Is that not draining battery?
Is at alos possible to do a “wakeup” command?

dashboards that are used as wallpanel are normally always on power. (mine are all always powered.)
on some i had to reduce the brightness a bit, because my animated backgrounds asked to much energy, causing that the power wasnt enough to keep the battery full.
at night i set brightness to zero. (screen keeps on, but you depending on the tablet its almost black)
its also possible to switch to an all black page with only 1 button.

most tablets that fall asleep are hard to wake up from anything else then manual commands.
mostly because they are designed to be used as tablet and not as wallpanel :wink:

Thanks again. I undertsand what your saying.
But with the remote controll app it is also possible to restart or approach the tablet, even when screen is switcht off.
So I do believe it must be possible to wake it up


I did found the solution (I think):

      command_on: /usr/bin/curl -k "http://KioskIP:2323/?cmd=screenOn&password=KioskPassword"
      command_off: /usr/bin/curl -k "http://KioskIP:2323/?cmd=screenOff&password=KisokPassword"
      friendly_name: Front Door Dashboard On

if you can send the screenOn command the Tablet isnt sleeping.
but if the restart isnt working 9 out of 10 times, then i suspect that the screenOn will fail the same amount of times.

I tried it now 10 times when the screen was of. It worked all the times.
But your right. It need time to be sure, it will working all the time.
I will inform you if not

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did you ever figure this out? I’m having the same issue all that is in the developer tools states section is the friendly_name: office_tab

I’ve spent all day unsuccessfully trying to simply get motionDetectorStatus from my A7 tablet into HA 2021.4.3 running on a networked NAS. I’ve tried about 150 variations of this and this is the best I’ve come up with.


  • platform: rest
    name: kitchen
    [‘batteryLevel’, ‘screenBrightness’, ‘isPlugged’, ‘motionDetectorStatus’,
    ‘lastAppStart’, ‘internalStorageFreeSpace’, ‘internalStorageTotalSpace’,
    ‘ramFreeMemory’, ‘ramTotalMemory’, ‘isInScreensaver’]
    value_template: “{{ value_json.ScreenOn | default }}”

    scan_interval: 1

  • platform: template
    friendly_name: “kitchen motion”
    value_template: “{{ states.sensor.kitchen.attributes.motionDetectorStatus }}”

The log error is:

Template variable warning: ‘mappingproxy object’ has no attribute ‘motionDetectorStatus’ when rendering ‘{{ states.sensor.kitchen.attributes.motionDetectorStatus }}’

The tablet and Fully Kiosk are set up fine, the souce data is there when viewed through a browser but HA will not see it no matter what I try. What am I doing wrong?

i dont see the error, but then i dont use rest sensors in HA.
but 2 remarks:

  1. you really dont want to have a rest sensor with a scan interval from 1 second to a fully tablet. even 10 seconds is already a lot for a good tablet with fully.
  2. use MQTT

OK, thanks. I solved my problem by removing the brackets [] from the password.

I can now get motion sensor status (is the motion detector feature enabled in fully kiosk?) but it looks like I now need to use MQTT to get the useful value motionDetectorState (has motion been detected by the tablet).