Fully Kiosk Browser

sorry, bad copy-paste from mobile

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How did you wall mount it? I am looking for a template. I want to wall mount mine, ideally with an angle, but want to start with an existing one.

Can you clarify how you send kiosk a link to a specific panel view? I cant find any information on how that is currently implemented.

Thank you!

I cannot figure out how to point the screen saver to shared folder on mac. I have tried but i must be doing it wrong or its not supported? anyone have this working? I have a folder full of images on mac i want to use as screensaver so i modified Screensaver Playlist (JSON) to be:

    "type": 3,
    "url": "/Volumes/4TB/Photos",
    "loopItem": false,
    "loopFile": false,
    "fileOrder": 0,
    "nextItemOnTouch": false,
    "nextFileOnTouch": false,
    "nextItemTimer": 0,
    "nextImageFileTimer": 60,
    "nextVideoFileTimer": 0

But just dont work. fully kiosk cannot access folder and it is shared

I create users for each one of my tablets.

I then go in and restrict that tablet user’s visibility access to all views except the one designated for that user.

In the reverse way I had that new tablet specific view from all users except me (the admin) so I can make adjustments to each of the tablet views.

Make sense?

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Exactly the same here :wink:

Can you set up an automation to command a tablet user view to switch to a different view?

Like when an alarm goes off the tablet shows which alarm was triggered (in a scenario with leak sensors for example).

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Why not just make it part of the view? Card like HACS Auto entities is able to do that…
With that, you can make a card, which is only displayed, when an entity is active.

That’s sorta what I do now. The first thing in my kiosk view is a card that lists all my sensor entities … but only when one or more is triggered.

It just doesn’t seem like an elegant solution and doesn’t give the opportunity to expand from there into other automations that want to control what the kiosk is showing.

I honestly have no implemented this, but I like the ideas of:
*Security panel pop-up and play TTS on tablet when alarm goes off
*Pop-up front door cam when door bell is rang or motion is detected (depends on camera you get)

I had browser_mod earmarked for this, but just haven’t gotten around to it yet.

Has anyone used this on a tablet?

I’m using play TTS on tablet. LANnouncer - Home Assistant works fine for that.

i got that, but with HAdashboard :wink:

I do this with an automation triggered by the door bell button. You will have to set up browser mod i.e.

      name: Lounge tablet_bm
      camera: true
      name: Kitchen tablet_bm
      camera: true

then create a automation with action similar to below

  - service: browser_mod.popup
      title: Person at front door
        - Kitchen tablet_bm
        - Lounge tablet_bm
      large: true
      hide_header: false
        type: custom:webrtc-camera
        url: rtsp://username:[email protected]:1240/ch01/0
  - delay: '00:00:45'
  - service: browser_mod.close_popup
    data: {}
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I have a wall mounted tablet and a doorcam at home. I was looking for a similar solution of popping up the camera feed when the doorbell was pressed. Tried the browser_mod solution but realized it does not work 100% of the time. One edge case that was particularly annoying was if my HA restarts, the tablet needs to reload the page for browser_mod to detect the device_id again.

I ended up using the tab functionality on Fully Kiosk instead. I open a separate tab on Fully, point it to the MJPEG camera feed, and then close it after 30 seconds. Here’s the automation in case its helpful for anyone:

alias: Doorbell pressed
description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: switch.doorbell
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
  - platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.doorbell_virtual_press
    to: 'on'
condition: []
  - service: rest_command.fire_tab_load_url
      url: >-
  - service: switch.turn_off
      entity_id: switch.amazon_fire_hd8_screensaver
    data: {}
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 30
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: rest_command.fire_tab_close_tab
      tab_number: 1
mode: single

Did you get this working? I’m struggling to read the CurrentPage attribute

you need to create a share on your Mac, and the Mac would have to be on all the time. Your URL is only your Mac path, not the path on your network.

Message me if you want help.

Anyone else using smart plug to charge their tablet? Every time mine either starts charging or stops charging it puts fully kiosk into maintenance mode. I’ve emailed the FK developer and they had no idea what it could be. Super weird.

I do use a smart plug to charge my table (Fire HD7) and got no issues

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does somebody facing some issues when create another profile and link to dahsboard, and show nothing on lovelace using fully kiosk browser??

Yep. When you create a new user and he/she doesn’t have permission on Ha default lovelace - then is when blank screen happens. You must go into settings and there select another lovelace as default.