Fully Kiosk: Launch local Android apps from your HA dashboard

Maybe there’s a timeout set to bring Fully back to the foreground?

This is a truly helpful post. Thank you!

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I am trying to make the same configuration work as well – have an automation trigger fully kiosk to launch an rtsp stream in VLC.

I’ve tried your code snippet and it hasn’t been successful. I did have to adjust the service name to ‘fully_kiosk.load_url’ instead of ‘fullykiosk.load_url’ from your config, but it still didn’t work. The automation doesn’t produce any errors, but the android tablet doesn’t respond.

Are you aware of any logs/debugs at the fully kiosk level I can check?

I’ve also tried the ‘fully_kiosk.start_application’ service and it successfully launches VLC. I just can figure out how to pass the rtsp URL parameters…

I’m no expert.

Does the stream work OK if you do it manually on the tablet? The format of the rtsp part will vary from one camera to another and by manufacturer.

Also, can you see any massages appearing on the tablet when you make the service call? I got some while I was experimenting, but they are fleeting with hardly enough time for me to read.

Yes, the rtsp stream opens when I manually open it via VLC. I don’t see any messages on the tablet.

I’ll keep messing around and see if I can figure out how to turn up some debugging. I’ll also reach out to the Fully Kiosk support to see if they have any ideas.

Thanks for your posts, they have helped put me in the right direction of accomplishing this.

I’m planning to run a tablet behind a one-way-mirror to display some information while brushing my teeth. No interaction with the tablet needed.

Experimenting with Fully Kiosk app and the homeassistant integration for a few days and seems to work fine up till now.

Before I start building the mirror hardware; How reliable & stable is Fully kiosk in combi with the integration? Does it just keep running after correct setup or do you encounter many issues which require to take out the tablet, reset etc.? Don’t want to build something and the find out it’s too much hassle/little WAF factor.

@Tyfoon Honestly I would go for MagicMirror instead.

Thanks. I looked into that route but it’s a lot more work but still open for it.

What drives your opinion? Pure limited reliability.stability of the fully kiosk option?

If you are going for a smart mirror then MM is what you are looking for.

HA doesn’t make sense on it (a smart mirror).

I’ve got a 55" one exactly in my bathroom and I’ve everything I need: Spotify, favouriteTV & radio channels, a RSS feed, a power consumption module getting data from HA and MQTT, etc., etc.

I personally opted for a voice control, but you can go also for hardware buttons if wanted.

Have a read in their forums and let’s stop going off topic the two of us. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks for support on this matter, it has helped me alot.
But I strill couldn’t execute everything as I planned.
I’ve created the custom card to open Reolink app on my android table. It works fine.
But I wanted to execute this card when I press the camera feed.
I’ve tried to use “tap action” from the camera feed card, but do not know what service to call to open the custom card instead. it sure doesn’t appear as an entity.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

@ronschaeffer this is a great Community Guide thanks.

Another way to find an intent is built into Fully - access the Fully Remote Admin in a browser, click the hamburger menu and choose Manage Apps. It lists all apps on your Android machine, with intents.

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This is great info thank you! Just a few questions:

  1. I setup a test to open my Reolink camera app when someone is approaching my front door. I did it with the Javascript and REST api. The performance seems the same. Is there a reason to use one vs the other.

  2. In regards to the above it seems like I can do the same thing using the fullykiosk.start_application service in Home Assistant. Is there a reason not to use this vs above. Just seems a lot easier and don’t have to deal with code, finding intents, package names etc…

  3. No really related to this, but curious if you know answer. When the reolink opens it will be showing stream in landscape mode, but then to get out of it I have to backout three times. On one it will flip to portrait mode, on two it will say next will exit and on three it exits. Any ideas on how to eliminate or reduce this?

Thanks again for all the information!

Hi @ronschaeffer and all, thanks for all this information.

Like some users in this thread, I would like to immediately open a certain android app on a tablet when my doorbell is pressed.

Do you happen to know if there is any way to use the android intent method to directly open an app in an automation ? (without using any notifications/button presses)

Or, is fully kiosk PLUS a must to achieve this? Thanks.

Hi, it definitely is, I was able to open the stream to my reolink camera stream inside MX player from an automation.

  - service: fully_kiosk.load_url
      url: >-
        rtsp://user:[email protected]:554/h264Preview_01_sub#Intent;package=com.mxtech.videoplayer.ad;end
      device_id: 72cffdf83fb56bc51091d8eae531b95d

Or from the visual editor just select servicefully kiosk browser load url and paste the url.
Except I still haven’t found a way to close the app and go back to FK browser after a delay.


Thanks @Sako. I was able to open the app from an automation following your example !


have the same problem, cant close an app on an android Tablet.

Load an new Fully URL dosent work, app stays in fullscreen.

Let me know if you find a way.

I think it is because when you open another app, fully has gone to the background, so it can’t process commands from outside
Maybe the solution is to open a popup with the app inside, as has been done by Wingnut here but I don’t know how to trigger it from an automation.

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I’ve managed to use fully javascript interface to open linphone application. It is installed in a wall mounted tablet that integrates lovelance and serves as intercom for a sip doorbell (I’ve been playing with SIP card hassio but I’ve too echo and linphone works better).

Now I would like to create two buttons in my lovelance that allows to:

  • Call directly to my doorbell
  • Catch a call using *8

My question is, using fullykiosk javascript interface linphone is opened, but I’d like to start dialing using an intent or a js version of this API:

void fully.startApplication(String packageName, String action, String url)  // Can put null to omit the parameter in ver. 1.33+
// I can open linphone using:

I’ve found a manifest provided by linphone that I’m sure it has all the needed information, but I don’t know how to apply it to do what I want.

I’ve also determine that may be are two actions: one that dials only and other that calls, meaning that one only presents user with dialed number, and the other just starts calling.

On the other hand, I’ve played using href like sip:80001 or tel:8001 and they work within companion HA application, but it don’t work within fullykiosk.

Thanks in advance

Is there any way to launch a specific webpage with chrome using the REST method?

Sure there is. Check fully’s help page:

// Load URL