Fully kosk and slider problem

I’m using fully kios on a tablet.
sliders don’t work.
the thermostat card slider does not work.
the cover component sliders does not work.
no problem with the mediaplayer component slider.
on chrome the sliders make the perfect cut.
can someone help me?.

I don’t use fully kiosk but I can tell you that I doubt anyone will help because you don’t list any configuration or what your problems are. Saying “they don’t work” is going to drive away the people who may know what to do. There’s a reason that the link below is stickied. Help us by posting as much information as possible, not the least amount like you have.

The “slide down to refresh” FKB feature interferes with the manipulation of sliders. Turning it off resolves that. Spent a bit too much time myself looking for a solution and hope this helps someone else.


Hi Marc, you solved my problem, I have been looking everywhere and came across your answer here, thank you