Is there any way to display the arm_night button in a custom button card where an alarm panel badge is inserted? I tried this but does not behave in the same way that a standard alarm panel does:
I love the layout you have, this is what I’ve been trying to achieve for awhile now. I’ve been working on my dashboard and for some reason I can’t for the life of me figure out how you got your “Entry & Formal” to span the whole width. I know noob approach but I tried just adding more entities but everything just gets smaller. any ideas? Also, sorry if this was already asked, I couldn’t find any replies asking this.
@Kay0ss, if I remember correctly I think I used a combination of horizontal and vertical stack cards to contain the sections. I’ve changed it since then, so it’s different now.
Yes, I use panel mode too. I finally got a chance to look at my config and can reply with more detail.
To make the layout in the photo of my last reply I’m using a horizontal stack as the top level card with two vertical stack cards to get the main columns (see first expando section below).
I stopped using horizontal stack below that because I found it hard to control the widths of my sections when I had multiple sections in a row. I’m now using a custom button card to contain the sections and they equalize much better across the row based on natural size. For detail about the problem I was having with horizontal stack, see here.
The dashboard in panel mode uses this yaml for to set up the 2 main columns
My alternate technique instead of using horizontal stack
This is the ../cards/eating-patio-garage-upstairs.yaml file referenced by the previous yaml, which is the second row on the left side of the photo in my previous reply. This is acting as an invisible container and sets margins to replicate the gaps between cards that you normally get with the horizontal stack. It’s a bit more work to tailor it for how many cards you want to show horizontally, but it gave me much better results than a horizontal stack.
But it doesn’t actually click the “press” button. It just opens the more-info panel.
I’ve also tried adding a tap_action: toggle but that didn’t work.
Here’s my card. Like I said, I have it working with normal button cards, but I’d like to customize the colors if possible. I wasn’t able to get it working with call-service, either. Could be a syntax issue though.
Whether that works or not, you can probably use the color property of the custom button card instead, as long as the card’s color_type property is card (my template does use color_type: card):
Ufff… this card is soooo packed with features that any UI would be…. well, too big, filled with stuff and so i think practically not usable…
Things are really almost limitless. The only and best thing is to learn yaml.
I’m thinking in the lines of (for a template/card);
Setup grids
Add images to specific placeholder in card
Add entity info to specific placeholder in card
Set basic color options for the entire card
set conditions, or sumting like that, for the card.
Because I am struggling with my self, and my ideas for cards. And if the threshold for even beginning to create the card is too high, I wont get of the ground…
You’re going to have a bad time with this card if you don’t take the time to learn yaml. There’s no simple template for what you’re asking for. There’s an example section in the documents, which you should get familiar with as it describes the yaml.
If you don’t want to learn yaml, then you should use mushroom cards or something that’s 100% ui. This card is way too complicated to come up with a UI, let alone a template.
Hi @petro
I was knee deep in yaml before, and I liked it. It’s the fact that HA and yaml is so flexible that everything can be done anyway the creator of, for example this awsome card, any application wants.
So I’m with you on the yamlying. Just wanted to vent something I actually think is a good idea; More UI for everyone. At least a “basic” UI-get-started-thingy