Fun with custom:button-card

There is one “problem” with the active stroke, it is already full around 85%
I think that is because the start of the active border is not in the middle (but on the left) of the rect?


  RectP: |
      const state = states['sensor.afzuigkap_programma_voortgang'].state;
      let bgActiveColor;
        if (state >= 90) {
          bgActiveColor = '#00ae5b';
        } else if (state >= 50) {
          bgActiveColor = '#ffbe3e';
        } else if (state >= 25) {
          bgActiveColor = '#ff9532';
        } else if (state >= 0) {
          bgActiveColor = '#ff3e3e';
        } else {
          bgActiveColor = 'rgba(217,217,217,0.1)';
      const value = Math.abs(states['sensor.afzuigkap_programma_voortgang'].state);
      const fill = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)';
      const bgColor = '#d9d9d9';
      const width = 60;
      const height = 26;
      const dashArray = 2 * (width + height);
      const dashOffset = dashArray * (1 - value / 100); 

      return `
      <svg viewBox="0 0 75 75">
        <rect x="8" y="8" width="${width}" height="${height}"
          rx="12" ry="12"
          stroke="${bgColor}" stroke-width="1" fill="${fill}" />
        <rect x="8" y="8" width="${width}" height="${height}"
          rx="12" ry="12"
          stroke="${bgActiveColor}" stroke-width="2" fill="none"
          stroke-dasharray="${dashArray}" stroke-dashoffset="${dashOffset}" />
        <text x="38" y="23" fill="rgba(62, 62, 62, 1.0);" 
          font-weight="normal" font-size="16" font-family="Sans-serif" 
          text-anchor="middle" dominant-baseline="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">

no, not at all. you can use that same entity in the javascript .

seems to me you are way over your head here, creating difficult configs, while not understanding things.
simply c&p stuff we make for you wont help you in the long run

please educate yourself step by step, and make progress doing so.

playing with entities across the board in the various configurations is basic and required knowledge you should grasp first.

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Because you manipulate the border radius, the total stroke length is cut off…

const dashArray = 2 * ((width - 6) + (height - 5))
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This is partly true, I had an education in HTML, PHP and learned some GML(gamemaker) when i was 15 years.
I never did Javascript. I now made a lot of templates etc for HA now. I can say for my doing i run an “advanced” home assistant server now.
Starting with the help of the forum here and now I can do much more myself.
However, shit happens, and that made it very hard for me to learn total new things again.

So I am very great full for the help and things others can edit or explain to me in the community here. I learn to edit and change things and use this to make own new things again. I simply can not write new things from scratch again. But bit by bit i still make my HA the way i would like it :slight_smile:

:man_facepalming: yes of course haha
Thanks again! have it all working now :smiley:

care to have a look at New badges and card-mod customisation - #67 by Mariusthvdb please?

Seeking the border percentage on a badge is just a but more involved…