FYI great deal on motorized blinds at Lowe's in-store right now -- works with HA through Bond

Rather than repeat myself: FYI: Allen+Roth shades super cheap at Lowes - Shades & Blinds - Bond Home Forum

Found 75% off motorized blinds, making them in the $25-40 range. Gray light-blocking cellular, 72" length and a lot of different widths. Not sure if this was only the local store (Hadley, MA) or a wider sale / discontinuation.

These work great with HA through the Bond Bridge integration — I already had that to control a nice-but-annoyingly-stupid-to-control ceiling fan. (The Bond Bridge is an IR and radio remote repeater with a lot of presets and slick simple pairing — has an app but it’s all local control.) Only catch is that the Bond preset doesn’t handle preset positions, so your options are “open”, “close”, “stop”.

I used a spare zigbee window sensor to do something even more useful than presets: I put the sensor on the bottom bar of the blind and the magnet on the bottom of the window frame, so that it stops closing at that point — perfect if you leave the window cracked open and don’t want the blind flapping around in wind gusts.

Are these IR or RF?

Radio. The Bond Bridge is several rooms away.

I don’t think it is two-way — and anyway if it is, the Bond Bridge doesn’t support it. (Their Pro model would, but that’s 4× the price.)

I thought you may be interested in this.
Thanks for the heads up. Got 6 windows covered for a cheap price.

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