updated to latest, and today also update to HA 2025.1.0b3 and now see this during startup
Deze fout is ontstaan door een aangepaste integratie.
Logger: custom_components.afvalwijzer.const.const
Bron: custom_components/afvalwijzer/config_flow.py:48
integratie: Afvalwijzer (documentatie, problemen)
Eerst voorgekomen: 20:01:17 (1 gebeurtenissen)
Laatst gelogd: 20:01:17
Failed to import provider modules: cannot import name 'afvalalert' from 'custom_components.afvalwijzer' (/config/custom_components/afvalwijzer/__init__.py)
Something I would like to know. How can I change the config of the Integration? Say I would move house and I would change my address or even more. I can’t find a way to do so. Or what if you would like “include Today” to be true instead of false.
Ouch, this is important for me to know. I once decided to lowercase all waste types. If this is not the case now, we’re dealing with a bug. The sensor waste types should always be lowecase like:
Etc. Let me know if this isn’t the case now. Then I need to look into it. For mijnafvalwijzer it’s working fine at least, I checked it after seeing this post.
Most of the issues were in the dashboard. Not the sensors themselves. The sensors themselves are all lowercas as they should be. But in the dashboard the results that the sensors show, are different to the results before the big overhaul of the integration.
I still had a test dashboard that was not working so here is an example:
Here you can see gft was in lowercase and in the screenshot of the result you can see that it is now written as Gft. Geen has changed to all lowercase and Pmd is now with a capital P instead of fully lowercase (same as Gft). Also the papier sensor changed to sensor.afvalwijzer_oud_papier_en_karton instead of sensor.afvalwijzer_papier.
And here after the changes. Only thing in this view that also changed for me, is the sensors don’t respond with a Date but report only “Next week” or “In x weeks”. I’m still figguring out how to change that back. (ROVA, Amersfoort)
Oke, if the sensors show it lowercase then the component is working fine . You probably have a template somewhere to change the case, it could be you need to update some things. I have this at least
Finaly, the middle one is missing as the papier sensor changed to “oud_papier_en_karton”. This is not due to the component, but due to the fact mijnafvalwijzer has changed the name for it in your environment. This happens more often. If you would like to see it as papier again, you can create a PR here:
Or ofcourse you can request it in an issue on Github. Easy to do.
Another observation, I’m missing sensor.afvalwijzer_next_item in my envrionment. Is that expected (it was there before the big change to the integration).
- unique_id: volgende_afval_ophaal_dag
state: >
{% set next = states('sensor.afvalwijzer_next_date') %}
{% set dt = next|as_datetime %}
{% from 'easy_time.jinja' import month, weekday %}
{% set dag = weekday(dt.isoweekday()) %}
{% set datum = dt.day %}
{% set maand = month(dt.month) %}
{{dag}} {{datum}} {{maand}}
this allows you to set a default language, and all subsequent entities you use the easy_time in will be in your set language perfectly. Highly recommended!
background: ‘#62717b’
height: 1px
margin-left: auto
margin-right: auto
type: divider
type: entities
type: markdown
content: >- De volgende leging is {{ states('sensor.afvalwijzer_next_type')
}}. Dat is over {{ states('sensor.afvalwijzer_next_in_days') }} {% if
is_state('sensor.afvalwijzer_next_in_days', '1') %}dag{% else %}dagen{%
endif %}.
we can Not see what you do if you dont format the yaml correctly, please format it using the </> button in the editor, or using 3 so called backticks before and after your yaml, like this one:
This is the on on his github page but to walk true a topic with 1k of messages is not easy, so i found on a few message above that work half, i see dates but i also found out that with what i had, and what i see now that text change in scripts like bolean.trash is now bolean.waste and that make things also not work. So it would be fine if i know were to find these files compiled if this is possible. that we use no today, because i found old ones and new ones. I have a clean install of home assistant just for testing.
if you check the integration panel config/integrations/integration/afvalwijzer you can click the entities, and see the exact names/entity_id’s in your system
I toke the scripts from message 1004 and thing some from message 1002 the have different map for pictures, also some entrities were wrong so afther some changes in that and place of yaml files it got to live, only strange part i can’t figure out yet is why on the sencond row i had 3 items and now 4 but the 4th does not work. We only have 3 different kinds of waist we dont have PMD