As I had some time over I decided to create some icons in vector format. Not the best I ever created, but it should solve your need (and maybe the need of someone else)
which is the default for count_today: false which makes the sensors
{{states('sensor.saver_trash_first_next_in_days')}}, {{states('sensor.saver_trash_first_next_date')|capitalize}} and {{states('sensor.saver_trash_first_next_item')|capitalize}}
correct, as displayed in my screenshot above.
the listing below that is not correct though, because it also shows todays pickup.
there’s a typo in line 134 of the python library not sure if that was already picked up. Doesn’t seem to hurt anything though, I’ve never seen an error…
if you’re looking at it, semantics might be improved on that same first_next_in_days. Either trash_first_in_days, or maybe even better make it trash_next_in_days.
which would give the opportunity to also improve the naming of the other 2 sensors using first, into trash_next_date and trash_next_item.
Based on the code from @xirixiz I changed the naming of the icons, added “christmastrees” and overall reworked the icon set a bit to be a bit more consistent. This is the last I am doing on these icons
Hi! I got the sensors to work, and am able to display the ‘basic’ the UI. Great stuff!
On the GitHub page ( I found an image that I found to be the best overview I’ve seen. Based on much of the discussion in this thread, I tried to replicate it, but I wasn’t successful. I installed all the custom components. Is the code for the layout of this image available somewhere?