Garbage pickup date ( custom_component

As I had some time over I decided to create some icons in vector format. Not the best I ever created, but it should solve your need (and maybe the need of someone else)

SVG versions are available at:

EDIT: re-created the plastic/can icon as I really disliked my previous version.

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nice, thanks!
Do you have a variant for the ‘rest afval’ too?

restafval restafval3

and maybe one for Plastics alone:
which is what Saver pickups in our wide neighbourhood.

they’re nice sharp and big :wink:

Since I am in a good mood :slight_smile:

woa, you’re fast!
thanks a bunch!

Is there also an icon for the combi of paper and gft?

Good job Frank!

Hi @xirixiz

did you eve get the chance to have a look at my request to have the next pickup dates not include todays pickup?

would be a major improvement if the 4 listed days could start with the first pickup date after todays pickup.

It’s already available, I thought you were using it for a while. For me it’s working properly.

count_today: vandaag meetellen # true or false

Here you go

im using this:

  - platform: afvalwijzer # Required
    provider: mijnafvalwijzer # Optional - mijnafvalwijzer (default) or afvalstoffendienstkalender
    zipcode: !secret postcode # Required
    housenumber: !secret huisnummer # Required
#    suffix: 'new' # Optional
#    count_today: false vandaag meetellen # Optional. true or false - Default = false
#    default_label: 'Geen' # Optional - Default is 'Geen'
    entity_namespace: saver
#    scan_interval: 1800

which is the default for count_today: false which makes the sensors

{{states('sensor.saver_trash_first_next_in_days')}}, {{states('sensor.saver_trash_first_next_date')|capitalize}} and

correct, as displayed in my screenshot above.

the listing below that is not correct though, because it also shows todays pickup.

this is what count_today: true does:

it changes the top sensors to include today, but doesn’t change the sensors listed below.

the glance card btw is this:

  - type: 'custom:auto-entities'
      type: glance
      title: Next pickups
#      title: "'! none'"
        - attributes:
            next_pickup_in_days: '! none'
      attribute: next_pickup_in_days
      method: attribute
      numeric: true

Great, thanks!

Are you still in a good mood :smiley: because I’m looking for a combi icon with rest garbage and plastic/can.

Here you go!

there’s a typo in line 134 of the python library not sure if that was already picked up. Doesn’t seem to hurt anything though, I’ve never seen an error… :wink:

if you’re looking at it, semantics might be improved on that same first_next_in_days. Either trash_first_in_days, or maybe even better make it trash_next_in_days.
which would give the opportunity to also improve the naming of the other 2 sensors using first, into trash_next_date and trash_next_item.

thanks for considering.

Thank you very much, much appreciated !!


Based on the code from @xirixiz I changed the naming of the icons, added “christmastrees” and overall reworked the icon set a bit to be a bit more consistent. This is the last I am doing on these icons :slight_smile:


For any one who might be interested in dutch notation on the dates I have made the stuf below.
Not really small in code but does the job :smiley:


And of course thx for this nice add on :+1:

  - platform: template
        entity_id: sensor.trash_first_next_date
        value_template: >
          {%- set tracker_timestamp = as_timestamp(strptime(states.sensor.trash_first_next_date.state, "%d-%m-%Y")) %}
          {%  set months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mrt", "Apr", "Mei", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dec"] %}
          {%- set wdays = ["Zo", "Ma", "Di", "Wo", "Do", "Vr", "Za"] %}
          {%- set wday =  tracker_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%w') | int %}
          {%- set month =  tracker_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%m') | int %}
          {{ tracker_timestamp | timestamp_custom(wdays[wday]  + ' ' '%d' ' ' + months[month-1] ) }}
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nice indeed, thanks.

one small but significant edit: have it use the states() notation/function, to guard against ‘unknown’ issues:

  {%- set tracker_timestamp = as_timestamp(strptime(states('sensor.trash_first_next_date'), '%d-%m-%Y')) %}
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Hi! I got the sensors to work, and am able to display the ‘basic’ the UI. Great stuff!
On the GitHub page ( I found an image that I found to be the best overview I’ve seen. Based on much of the discussion in this thread, I tried to replicate it, but I wasn’t successful. I installed all the custom components. Is the code for the layout of this image available somewhere?