Garbage pickup date ( custom_component


Does it also work with HVC ?

Are the custom icons anywhere available?

I had to change - entity_id: sensor.afvalwijzer_next to - entity_id: sensor.afvalwijzer_next
to get something to display.
I have added custom:template-entity-row via hacs and in the configuration.yaml. But I get Custom element doesnā€™t exist: template-entity-row.
auto-entities is loaded.

iā€™m new to this (sorry)
Trying to add the Afvalwijzer into my dashboard.

Followed all instructions as per here:
But i now donā€™t see any sensors, and i am not able to get ā€œauto-entitiesā€ shown something. Is there a step missing? For starters i just want it as it is in the example.

edit: Installed via HACS

After installing the auto entities, it still says it is not available.
Also i donā€™t see the sensors (at least not the one as mentioned here) or the images.

First install the integration and check for the sensor creation.

After that, build Lovelace cards :wink:

Which sensors are created ?

if i check the dev tools i only see automations like: automation.waste_has_not_been_moved.There are no sensors or anything with afvalwijzer in it.

Yeah but all that has nothing to do with the actual integration. You need that first and configure it with you address data.

Please show what you set (anonimizing your address of course) in the configuration. This is the essential part for starters

    - platform: afvalwijzer
      provider: mijnafvalwijzer        # (required, default = mijnafvalwijzer) either choose mijnafvalwijzer, rova or afvalstoffendienstkalender
      postal_code: 1234AB              # (required, default = '')
      street_number:  5                # (required, default = '')
      suffix: ''                       # (optional, default = '')
      include_date_today: false        # (optional, default = false) to take or not to take Today into account in the next pickup.
      default_label: Geen              # (optional, default = Geen) label if no date found
      id: ''                   

of course this is only possible if you have a /custom_components/afvalwijzer folder in your config folder, and installed all files there.

All that is done indeed.
So everything on the instruction page. And what you mention as well.

# afvalwijzer
  - platform: afvalwijzer
    provider: mijnafvalwijzer
    postal_code: 'xxxx xx'
    street_number: 'xx'
    include_date_today: true
    default_label: Geen

as well installed the auto entitiies card via HACS, but it canā€™t find it after restart.

ok, and you did restart after that, to have the integration initialized?
if so, you should see sensors in the state page for the trash types in your community.

if not, you could set logger to debug, restart, and see what is returned in the log.

  default: error
  custom_components.afvalwijzer: debug

mm interesting. i even get an error on adding the logger to config.yaml:

Invalid config for [logger]: [custom_components.afvalwijzer] is an invalid option for [logger]. Check: logger->logger->custom_components.afvalwijzer. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 193).

how odd, are you sure the CC is installed in the correct folder/map? Please show a screenshot of that folder

Sure thing:

Schermafbeelding 2020-11-11 om 11.03.48 Schermafbeelding 2020-11-11 om 11.04.30

@Mariusthvdb this one looks great, tried to build it from your code, but it keeps telling me ā€œNo card type foundā€. auto-entities and template-entity-row are installed, HASS is restarted. Idea?

see my comments above. i have the same issue. no card and no sensors.

Well, iā€™ve got all the sensors. Only the lovelace card is not working.

Got it working like this:

Can you paste the code? instead of screenshot?
And how did you add the sensors? im missing those. Can you share your step by step approach as that seems to work.

type: 'custom:auto-entities'
  type: entities
  title: Volgende ophaaldata
    - entity_id: sensor.afvalwijzer_*_next
        type: 'custom:template-entity-row'
        state: |
        secondary: >
          {% set count = states(config.entity)|int %} {% set unit = 'Dag' if
          count == 1 else 'Dagen' %} {% if count == 0 %} Vandaag {% else %} Over
          {{count}} {{unit}} {% endif %}
  method: state
  numeric: true

Under Dev Tools, you can not find the sensor.afvalwijzer sensors?