That’s really off topic here…
Please open a new post for that
That’s really off topic here…
Please open a new post for that
Trying to build up afvalwijzer, currently stranded in UI config.
What I did: Install HUI and auto entities via HACS, installed afval wijzer integration… so far so good…
I see the data, but it’s not sorted right; the lovelace code is:
type: custom:auto-entities
type: glance
- entity_id: sensor.afvalwijzer_gft_2
- entity_id: sensor.afvalwijzer_papier_2
- entity_id: sensor.afvalwijzer_pmd_2
- entity_id: sensor.afvalwijzer_restafval_2
attribute: days_until_collection_date_2
method: attribute
numeric: true
And I really would like to have the icons with replaced, tried this:
friendly_name: GFT
entity_picture: /local/afvalwijzer/GFT.png
friendly_name: Papier
entity_picture: /local/afvalwijzer/Papier.png
friendly_name: PMD
entity_picture: /local/afvalwijzer/PMD.png
friendly_name: Restafval
entity_picture: /local/afvalwijzer/Restafval.png
The end state for me should be:
when is the next pickup / trash item and what is picked up today and tommorow. Today/tommorow is phase 2, first sorting and the icons right.
Don’t really understand what’s the issue your facing, but mine is as follows:
The card i’m using (make sure you have installed auto-entities and template-entity-row through HACS):
type: custom:auto-entities
type: entities
title: Volgende ophaaldata
- entity_id: sensor.afvalwijzer*next*
- entity_id: sensor.afvalwijzer*to*
- entity_id: sensor.afvalwijzer_*
type: custom:template-entity-row
state: |
|timestamp_custom('%-d %b')}}
secondary: >
{% set count =
state_attr(config.entity,'days_until_collection_date')|int %} {% set
day = as_timestamp(strptime(states(config.entity),'%d-%m-%Y'))
|timestamp_custom('%A') %}
{% set dagen =
{'Monday': 'Maandag',
'Tuesday': 'Dinsdag',
'Wednesday': 'Woensdag',
'Thursday': 'Donderdag',
'Friday': 'Vrijdag',
'Saturday': 'Zaterdag',
'Sunday': 'Zondag'} %}
{% set dag = dagen[day] if day in dagen else day %} {% set unit =
'Dag' if count == 1 else 'dagen' %}
{% if count >= 14 %} {% set phrase = dag + ' over 2 weken' %} {% elif
count >= 7 %} {% set phrase = 'Volgende week ' + dag %} {% elif count
>= 3 %} {% set phrase = 'komende ' + dag %} {% elif count == 2 %} {%
set phrase = dag + ', overmorgen' %} {% elif count == 1 %} {% set
phrase = 'morgen, ' + dag %} {% else %} {% set phrase = 'Vandaag, ' +
dag %} {% endif %} {{phrase}} {% if count != 0%} ({{count}} {{unit}})
{% endif %}
attribute: days_until_collection_date
method: attribute
numeric: true
And inside configuration.yaml:
entity_picture: /local/groen_large.png
entity_picture: /local/papier_large.png
entity_picture: /local/plastic_large.png
entity_picture: /local/rest_large.png
Thx, I forgot to install the template entity row
The automation don’t start.
Pff i don’t know what i’m doing wrong.
alias: Afval
description: ''
- platform: time
at: '20:27:00'
- condition: state
entity_id: sensor.afvalwijzer_gft
attribute: is_collection_date_tomorrow
state: '1'
- service: tts.google_translate_say
entity_id: media_player.fire_tablet_media_player
message: De Groene kliko moet morgen aan de straat
language: nl
mode: single
ok try the individual parts.
comment the condition and see if it fires.
test the tts in services
if that goes, test the condition, which seems odd . This is the case of it not firing, because those are never a number, (and now you have a string btw) but they are either true or false. so change that and it will work
Can u explain what u mean with a string?
please dont tell me you’ve been around sinds 2019, and you dont understand the term ‘string’ vs ‘number’ ?
more importantly, did you try my suggestion and did it work?
I will try that thank u.
And no i’m on sinds 2019
But last few months i’m working with home assistant.
Before i used Homey. And that was much easyer.
Butt home assistant is more interresting
right, sorry … thought your bio gave you away.
you should read up on type
in HA, or python for that matter, well any programming language really.
on string versus number: '5'
is a string (anything between quotes is a string), and 5
is a number. You got to be specific with this, when checking states. Especially so when you want a number. Or a boolean value. The latter have special meaning ofc, see YAML - Home Assistant
this is a primer on the matter: Python Data Types
It is not working.
I tested individual butt it is not starting.
alias: Afval
description: ''
- platform: time
at: '18:06:00'
- condition: state
entity_id: sensor.afvalwijzer_gft
attribute: is_collection_date_day_after_tomorrow
state: 'True'
- service: tts.google_translate_say
entity_id: media_player.fire_tablet_media_player
message: De Groene kliko moet morgen aan de straat
language: nl
mode: single
Tried with a lowercase t for true?
Yep tryed that to.
I don’t gett it.
condition: template
value_template: '{{ states(''sensor.afvalwijzer_tomorrow'') != ''Geen'' }}'
I’m using this as condition, different sensor it seems
Is it possible u can help me bye teamviewer so i can see what i’m doing wrong?
Unfortunately I can’t get it working… I installed card-mod. Edited code for but still no image. (where it says Vandaag)
show_state: true
show_name: true
camera_view: auto
type: picture-entity
entity: sensor.afvalwijzer_today
image: /local/images/afvalwijzer/
name: Vandaag
style: |
ha-card {
box-shadow: none;
animation: {% if is_state('persistent_notification.trash_notification_today','notifying') and
states('sensor.afvalwijzer_today') != 'Geen' %} blink 2s linear infinite;
{% else %} none
{% endif %}
@keyframes blink {
100% {opacity: 0;}
entity: sensor.afvalwijzer_today
name: Vandaag
show_state: false
gft: /local/images/afvalwijzer/GFT.png
papier: /local/images/afvalwijzer/Papier.png
restafval: /local/images/afvalwijzer/Restafval.png
plastic: /local/images/afvalwijzer/PMD.png
Geen: /local/images/afvalwijzer/Geen.png
unknown: /local/images/afvalwijzer/
This automation works,
But how can i lett it say the correct garbage bin
alias: Bin notifications
- platform: time
at: '19:11:00'
- condition: state
entity_id: sensor.afvalwijzer_next_in_days
state: '1'
- service: tts.google_translate_say
entity_id: media_player.fire_tablet_media_player
message: De kliko moet morgen aan de straat
language: nl
message: "Morgen is afvaldag voor {{states('sensor.afvalwijzer_tomorrow')}}."
Hi All,
As a noob, I am looking to install the Garbage app.
And am wondering if ( is the correct 1 for me.
This because when testing my “Postcode” for denhaag 2571AE the reply is “ongeldig adres”
Does someone, know what to use for the denhaag area?
Hello People,
I have my automation working now with text to speech.
Here is my solition.
I have now one for every container.
alias: plastic afval
description: ''
- platform: time
at: '20:00:00'
- condition: numeric_state
attribute: days_until_collection_date
entity_id: sensor.afvalwijzer_pmd
below: '2'
- service: tts.google_translate_say
entity_id: media_player.fire_tablet_media_player
message: De oranje kliko moet morgen aan de Straat
language: nl
mode: single