I managed to do it with the Draw.io application. It was quite a bit of tinkering to finally get it done. I will also share my creations here. Maybe other users will find it helpful too.
I’m really curious about how you made the pictures and with which application.
Okay, I’m feeling really dumb right now, but I’m going to ask anyways. I’ve installed HomeAssistant on my RPi4 in June, but haven’t gotten around to doing much with it due to real-life events. I’m picking it back up now, and one of the things I have installed is afvalwijzer. It works great, but all I see are the sensor-values. I cannot find any card that has the nice pictures as in the two png-files on the Github-repository. I also can’t find any code how to create those type of cards.
Can anybody point me in the right direction? Or is this a bit much to start with as a HA-newby?
Yeah I have them there, config/www/afvalwijzer and local/afvalwijzer in Home Assistant should be redirected to that location right?
The “geen” days are showing the “geen” bin as you can see, but the rest keeps an icon it does not change to the nice looking images.
Highly frustrating
That’s correct indeed. Not local/afvalwijzer but /local/afvalwijzer. Please validate the case and extension of the icons if they match what you have defined in the lovelace config. It’s something small, as Geen is showing up nicely.
Also check security rights if they are the same as the Geen one.
Otherwise please post some logs and/or screenshots of your lovelace config and the folder structure where you saved the files to.
putting it in packages was the trick!
We have got this now!
Only not getting the weeks counter (next week, in two weeks…) it is just giving me the date
It’s the same as the row below. I used my code for you, but that’s still in development phase. This is also the reason why you’re not getting the “in x weeks” statements.
A next release is to be expected ready at the end of the month.
Thanks a lot again for your help. I think I am quite a long way with this card already, but what I don’t quite understand is where you have put the waste.yaml-file, and how you tell HA to load it.
I am running HA OS, and my configuration.yaml is in the config-folder (I’m using Samba to change files on the RPi).
Edit: nevermind, of course I found the answer right after asking here
For potential googlers that end up here: in configuration.yaml, you just add a line with
homeassistant: !include waste.yaml
And make sure to leave out the starting “homeassistant:” in the waste.yaml-file.
I’m not getting any sensors. In the logs I see that the API call is returning no data, and indeed when I pull the url and inspect in the browser it’s generating an error: No afval data. At first I thought I must have a waste provider here in Amsterdam that’s not listed at mijnafvalwijzer.nl but I get the same results with the other alternatives, afvalstoffendienstkalender and rova. But in each case, when I go to the web interface of all of those sites and tried to enter my own address it claims it’s unknown. Tried neighbor’s too. Then tried to enter ANY valid postcode and street number from clicking around google maps, the systems all return that the address is unknown, despite recognizing street name from the postcode. Seems like something major is broken in whatever api is being used to resolve location by house number? Or am I being stupid and these systems are not resolving my address because I’m using the wrong provider for Bos en Lommer in Amsterdam? Can anyone get a valid result from https://www.mijnafvalwijzer.nl/ ?
@xirixiz I have gone through your yaml on github (many, many thanks for that, it really helps understanding the shole system a lot better for me). I have everything working now, and have also made some minor adjustments to the card on the dashboard and in the automations myself (doesn’t seem like a lot, but it is my very first encounter with yaml).
There is only 1 detail in the automations that I cannot find out what it does. Hopefully it’s okay to ask you here (it obviously has nothing to do with the functionality of the component), otherwise I hope you can point me to a place where I can find it out myself.
In the automations where you send a notification, one of the last parts is
badge: 0
Or another number in the other automation. What does this do exactly?