Garden Irrigation

Definitely. The delay I have is to ensure the valve is definitely open before the bore is started. If you don’t have a bore you can certainly remove this. In reality I don’t need it either since the bore is going to take a few seconds to build up pressure anyway.

@sparkydave I had another look at the code and remembered this is happening without any 1 second delays; as I didn’t duplicate that part. So even though the time is set to 0, the valves come on for a split second, and that’s why I was trying to put a condition in to skip unused valves. I think this is because there is the command to turn on the valve and this command gets executed no matter what, and then there is some inherent tiny delay between executing the next command which is the delay command before the valve is turned off. So it’s not a 1 second delay, it’s something in the order of maybe 100 milliseconds, but the valves do come on.

Yep, it’s definitely a flaw in my code. Unfortunately you can only have one condition=false in a script and then everything after that is ignored. What I wish HA would allow is ‘nested’ blocks of code where a condition only applies to that block and the script continues with the rest of the code either way

Oh yes please!
It’s been a pet hate of mine since almost day one of using it, that HA can’t do this

I’ve just set up a smart irrigation controller using a 4 channel relay module with an ESP8266 chip running Tasmota and Home Assistant. Scheduling is informed by Google calendar entries. I’ve written a blog post here with more details.


Hi @srk23. I’m trying to solve the same problem (switching between tap water and rain collecting tanks). Did you arrive to some sensible solution?

I never quite got round to it last year…will be a project for this spring.

I think I came to the conclusion that it might require a water butt pump to provide enough pressure. It might be possible to switch between the two and just fire up the pump when there is water in the butt?

You might require WHAT?? :rofl: SCNR

I didn’t make it up - they exist!

That makes it even funnier :joy: :wink:

all, I have been reading the thread - thanks for sharing! Not to hijack the thread, but I wanted to share my approach, which is weather based and based on evapotranspiration to precisely calculate the amount of time the garden irrigation needs to run to compensate the moisture lost. It accommodates for precipitation as well. If interested, go check it out and let me know if it works for you. I can now continue to the hardware part of making my garden irrigation work automagically :slight_smile:

I tried this but I can’t seem to get all the necessary fields on the screen to configure it. I get no scroll bars and if I tab to the next field (after December) it just goes off the screen.

Thanks @klogg, there is a bug in HA frontend that causes this. Until the scrollbar works can you change the resolution of your screen so you can ge to the options?

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@klogg - I went ahead and split the configuration in three steps, hoping that it would fit on your screen now. It is version 0.0.9, please update and try again.

Yes that works. Thanks.
Now to play with it :slight_smile:

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Ok, so I get zero run time for the day but 113 for hourly.
(And 240mm/hour rain looks strange. Where does that figure come from?)

(I’m happy to take this elsewhere if it is appropriate)

I am working on updating the readme to explain the calculations. Stay tuned.

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@klogg: documentation was updated: Also, made separate topic on this forum for continued discussion:


I can’t get to the topic, it tells me it’s private.

Is this a known issue?

no, it should just be public