Garo Wallbox (EVSE)

I did some customization of this solution:

Works fairly well for reading energy values and controll the state of the -chargers.

Rgds Fredrik

I’m looking at purchasing a Garo unit and would like to know if anyone has confirmed if any of the GCB+ OCPP-capable models (models begin with “GLB-B-…”) have the same web interface and API as the regular GLB units.

I’m also seeing units seemingly identical the the GLB models with with a GHL-… model number.

Is anyone here has a model starting with GLB-B-* or GHL* could you please let me know?


can the set_current_limit be set during a charging session?

I don’t have an OCPP capable version so I don’t know about that specifically, but on my GLBDC-T222WO-A I can change the current limit while it is charging using set_current_limit from HA.

So I updated all my files with yours, rebooted, but nothing changed? I have a HACS install from the beginning, just updated all the affected files by changing the code. What more do I need to do to get any new entitlements for the meter?

I’ve only used a manual install. Anyway, I think you need to set up the integration again after replacing the source files, sensors are typically created when the integration receives configuration. So you could try disable/enable, if that does not help - delete and add the Garo integration.

Before deleting, you do have a load balancer unit connected to the Garo wallbox?

Thanks, I’ll try a manual install and see if better success. :blush:

Yes I have a working setup with load balancer:

Is anyone using a Garo GLB with firmware 1.3.3? Does it work well with the Garo Wallbox HA integration?

Works great :+1:
If you have the power meter for load balancing as well, you have to install it manually from Github, the HACS version lacks support for this.

Failed to restart Home Assistant
The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 23, column 23: Unable to read file /config/garo_chargebox/pkg_garo_chargebox.yaml.
i get this error if i add this text to /config/configuration.yaml
can you help me ?



  garo_chargebox: !include garo_chargebox/pkg_garo_chargebox.yaml


I’ve just got a Garo Entity Pro installed at my house but I can’t connect it to Home Assistant. Has anyone here successfully connected one of those?

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Should the service call look like this?

service: garo_wallbox.set_mode
  entity_id: sensor.garo
  mode: "on"


I´ve managed to get some info regarding garo entity pro.
There is one cloud api:

And there is one local swagger api:

I´m using the local api.
You have to login to the api with the credentials that you can find behind the front cover of the chargebox.
User-name starts with GaroCU-xxxxxxxxx and the password is below xxxx-xxxx-xxxx

I have solved it by using the integrated rest platform.
This is an example of a sensor for total energy.

- platform: rest
  authentication: basic
  username: "GaroCU-xxxxxxxxxx" 
  password: "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"
  scan_interval: 60
  resource: "https://ipadress/status/energy-meter"
  method: GET
  value_template: "{{ value_json[1].sampledValue[0].value | int }}"
  name: "Chargebox total energy"
  unique_id: "dfhsfdhdfgsd"
  unit_of_measurement: "Wh"
  state_class: total_increasing
  device_class: energy
  verify_ssl: False

Sweet, the energy meter works great! I checked the swagger API, but can’t figure out if charging can be controlled through it? It would be awesome if I could turn the charger on and off depending on the electricity price. Have you anything like that set up?


Anyone figured out how to get current/last charging duration?

Is right there in the GUI

I can see it is in the json-payload:

"accSessionMillis": 233279,

So, my assumption is that it is in milliseconds, in this case the session should have been active for 233 seconds

How do I fetch it in home assistant?

Hi baloba,
Thanks for the info. Have you found out more? local swagger helped to get some data out. But it looks like it does not have api for start charger for example.
I have sent some request to Garo, so we have to see what they say.



Great work @baloba, thank you for sharing your work with the Garo Entity PRO!

has anyone tried the clod api? I have tried and created an account, but it seems not to be connected to my Garo account or connected to my charger. Can some one please explain how to connect to the cloud api to control the charger.

I have with little effort, thanks to the previous posts, managed to connect to the local, swagger, api to get data into HA.
