Gas meter from Xiaomi/Aqara door sensor (ZigBee)

Thanks @Hellcube! Working now :slight_smile: LetĀ“s see if I can manage to find the place on my gas meterā€¦ And I also want to try on the watter meter!

Hey there. I tried getting a reading with the aqara contact sensor, and with an esp through the cables but had no luck, so I gave up. Will get back to it at some point I guess. (perhaps if you manage to install it and share how :slight_smile:)

Ok! IĀ“ll keep on trying and if I have any news, IĀ“ll let you know for sure. Iā€™m thinking to try to remove the orange plastic that is below the gas meter to see if I can measure from thereā€¦

Iā€™d love to see the results if anyone tries this!

ā€¦ and do you have the sensor ā€œcounter.gaszahlerā€ created by an mqtt sensor? does it exist?

I been able to configure everything but i dont get any Gas counting in Energy board how can i solve?

In configuration.yaml i added


then i sensors i add ( i have all the sensors divided in a different forlder) :


In customize.yaml i added


If i remove ( last reset i got uknow in sensor.gas_meter)

then i add in Helpers the below

In automations :

The Gas Meter sensor that has been created is succesfull increasing when i open close the sensor but in energy board it doesnt change

what i did wrong.

My customize.yaml doesnā€™t have those other 2 lines.

  state_class: total_increasing

Does your gas counter helper increment/change if you trigger your automation manually and/or if your sensor changes state?

I romed the other two lines , and now is showing on the dashboard , however only after one our , is that normal ?
I also notice that the cost of each m3 of gas does not match between the dashboard and entity, the one on the dashboard is much more and its wrong

Where is the magnet in the meter exactly, somewhere along that channel you have in the 3D printed part?

Any drama from the gas company since doing this? (@K-1 either?)? Thereā€™s another whole article here about dramas trying to get permission to do this ElectricBrain | Gas Meter Pulse Output .

Probably late to the party providing an update. I have actually stopped using it as i found the battery drain during winter quite high. If I am to redo it I probably would have the zigbee device further away with a much bigger battery/solar configuration and just have the sensor next to the gas meter.

To answer you question around gas company concerns. No issues. They dont even notice its there. It fits right under the dial, quite hidden away. The gas meter person has had no concerns as he is still able to fully scan the digits for measuring consumption.

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Thanks. Thatā€™s good to know the meter reader doesnā€™t care. My meter is not near any power and solar is challenging too, so I will need to try a battery pack and see how it goes. Even the Zigbee range might be too difficult.

The AA size 3.2V Feo4 rechargeable battery that I described in the initial post was recharged total of two times in more than an year. The Feo4 chemistry is stable in cold conditions for me is more than acceptable. As for the gas company they replaced the meeter and did not say anything about my sensor I had to retape the sensor in to position after.


Can anyone with the Landis+Gyr 750 tell me exactly where the magnet in the meter is?

Been using this for a couple months with no issues. Iā€™d like to ā€œcalibrateā€ the number HA shows as I have sometimes used the gas with my HA instance powered off. How can I do that?

Go to developer tools in HA and use ā€œUtility Meter: Calibrateā€ service.

If you scroll back up to my pics #87 I poke my reed sensore up through the hole in my 3d printed bracket and then bend it down to sit in the small 3d printed channel.
From that and the pics when itā€™s mounted you can extrapolate where it sits against the underside of my 750. Where it is exactly? It has to be close to right above that little alcove where my bracket sits (under the last two red wheels but Iā€™m not 100% sure the magnet is in those wheels. It maybe another larger wheel thatā€™s perpendicular and behind to the red wheels for all I know.

Hi, did anyone manage to get readings from this meter?
I also have it installed in Portugal, with no cable on the right hand side

A friend printed your bracket for me (thanks for the design!) and I have it working now. I found that the reed switch needed to be as far left as possible, but also raised from the bottom of the channel else it did not work. I just wrapped the cable around a bit inside the channel but I may go back and add some tape to pad it instead. Perhaps your reed switch is more sensitive than mine (Jaycar SM1002).

I have the same BK-G4M meter and attempted a similar setup but it seems like my D-Z73 reed switch isnā€™t sensitive enough to be triggered by the strength of magnetic field, or I havenā€™t found the correct location.

From playing around with the android sensors app on my phone, Iā€™m seeing ~600microtesla be emitted from the meter on rotation, but d-z73 reed switch seems to need ~2500 microtesla before it will close.

Unsure if perhaps thereā€™s something mis-aligned or broken about my meter that makes the field strength so weak or if I need a more sensitive reed switch.

Has anyone else attempted to measure the strength of magnetic field from their meter?

HEllo Mpetcu,

Could you please so kind to recommned any reed sensor that can be purchased and compatible with your solution?

Thanks for your support in advance!