Gecko in.touch2 integration (Spa wireless remote control module)

@llamafilm Your link is to a (now) unavailable item. Anyone got any links to bargains?

It will be difficult to look for it yourself on the Internet

I know how to buy it on the internet. But try looking for it on Amazon. If there is a secret I don’t know, let me know.

Since I live in Germany, I try e.g. on ebay classifieds or directly via google.

I looked on the NZ equivalent of ebay, no luck. I looked on ebay, and got one for NZ$300 as against the local price of NZ$500. Thanks for the suggestion.

Hi John,

Yes. I have Octopus Go and have the hot tub set to ‘charge’ to 40 overnight, with an option to ‘boost’ in the evenings. I’m too lazy to add holiday or weekend settings and, to be honest, we don’t really need it.

Here you can see it heating, cooling, with the temperature trace (light blue) and setpoint trace (purple).

The tub was used in the morning the first day (setpoint manually increased to keep it warm), and then on auto then next day, in the evening.

The bulk of the heating is overnight on the low tariff, but the tub is pretty much always at the right temp.

Thanks Rich! I think I’ve got it mostly figured out. I now have an automation linked to my solar output so that I can mostly boost temperature during the afternoons in readiness for evening use. However, I notice that even though it is in economy mode, sometimes it ‘has a mind of its own’ and runs/heats during the night discharging the battery. I’m going to try an alternative strategy of lowering the temperature overnight so that it won’t heat and see if that works.

I just use the standard mode and change the setpoint with the automations to ‘force’ it to either heat or cool accordingly.

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I have an in.touch2 and was never able to get it to actually work reliably on my network. Not sure if the problem was the rf link (the LEDs seemed to indicate that was working fine), or something about the network stack on their device (I suspect… I have a fairly complicated network setup but have never had devices I just couldn’t get to work period). Intouch’s CS was essentially useless and I gave up, but seeing the library that’s been created etc. maybe I should give it another shot. Of course I might have tossed the actual intouch2 unit now… sigh.

If someone does manage to reverse eng the RS485 and commands directly, so we could build a esp-based esphome controller for these it would be FANTASTIC. I have contemplated ordering a spa pack off ebay used just for this purpose, but honestly don’t have the time to fuss with what is probably a pretty frustrating project :frowning:

Still not 100% reading through the posts if this will work by simply installing GitHub - gazoodle/geckolib: Library to interface with Gecko Alliance spa pack systems via in.touch2 module via hacs?

or if I need to do something else with pins and jumpers.

All I’m hoping to achieve is to capture the water temp, hence don’t really want to invest £200 on a intouch 2 if this doesn’t work.

any help of clarity would be very appreciated.


If you have the in touch 2 you just need to install the integration. All the talk of RS485 etc is for those after a geekier cheaper solution.

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Thanks Nick for the clarity, appreciated.

Hi Ben! If you have an in.touch2 that you are not using, how would you feel about cracking it open and taking some hi-res photos of its internals? Most folk who have an in.touch probably aren’t too keen on (potentially) sacrificing theirs to the open source gods, but if yours is otherwise unused it may yet have its part to play!
Totally understand if you would rather not or are planning to re-sell it etc.

I suspect it’s because the device is junk and runs at 10/half! I actually had to throw a dumb 10/100/1000 switch in between it and my multigig switch because my multigig switch doesn’t go down to 10. I am curious if anyone sees it negotiate to anything else, wondering if I have a hardware issue with mine.

I can’t speak to the networking side of things, but I can say mine does not keep a stable connection to the hot tub, despite only being about 15’ apart. I basically ended up putting a sonoff relay on the power side of the dongle to cycle the power off and then back on prior to issuing any automated commands to force it to reconnect. Just had too many missed temp change commands, and it was pissing my wife and I off to no end.

I do a daily service call to reconnect. That seems to have fixed my issue.

alias: Hot tub reconnect
description: ""
  - platform: time
    at: "00:00:00"
condition: []
  - service:
    data: {}
      entity_id: button.ducky_tub_reconnect
mode: single

I have a gecko in touch installed at a remote destination (vacation house)

Is there a cloud app/integration for gecko?
I don’t have Home Assistant over there

If you have the in.touch 2 module on a on a router there already just use the Gecko app as it’s cloud based. You could automate with linked voice assistants.

Thanks, yes I use the app but it has no statistics, that’s why I want to connect it to HA