General remote control (with HADashboard)

what happens when you change them to on in home assistant?
did you change anything in the py code?

Rene, i think my problem is with the way I set up the switches in HA. I’ve made a switch for a media_player.preset using template switch.
I think it’s the wrong tool and the switch UI is not getting back the proper feedback.

Rene, short note to thank you. Got it to work by replacing the switches for input_booleans and modifying your .py accordingly.

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What happened with the phisical remote, broken?

thrown away.
this remote i can use from all over the world, so i can decide which program my dog watches when i am on holiday. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Good day, has anyone experienced inconsistency with the play/pause button on media players?
To clarify: if you’re listening to a radio station and press the pause it switches off. The HA front end does the same, but if you’re listening to a playlist and press pause you can resume with play in the HA front-end, but not in HaDashboard

thats because HADashboard has optimistic switching.
that means that the dashboard doesnt check the state after it is set in the dashboard.
Andrew wants to create an option that you can choose if you want optimistic or pessimistic switching in the future, but i dont know how far on his list that is.

Thank you Rene. So nothing broken with my specific set up, its just the way it is.

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nice project but it really has nothing to do with this topic, except that it is also about a remote.
so i suggest you create your own topic for this and delete it here.

ReneTode. Is this something you have done? if so any chance you could post your code?

there is no code.

i got a broadlink and you record buttonpresses with that.

if you push the button for volume so long that the volume is up 10% then in the broadlink app or HA every button activation is 10% volume.

you need to make sure the steps are comfortable for you, but you could also create several buttons, for example:
1% up, 5% up, 10% up etc.

I get how you mean. That means multiple buttons. I though you had come up with some magical way to remove the delay or better still have a hold button. Thanks anyway

to remove the delay you only need to make sure you press the button very short during the record.
and a hold button could be created i theory. but the biggest problem with that is the delay that you always get between the time you press and the time the command is activated. (network speed, device speed, browser speed, tv speed, etc)

i see that in all kinds of apps. PTZ cams for instance. the cam always keeps on moving for a short time after you release the button.