Generic Thermostat on/off

My “thermostat” is per-room. I.e. there’s a temperature sensor that reports the room’s ambient temperature and a “smart socket” - e.g. TP-Link HS110 - that turns on an electric heater. Heaters are rated at 1.250 kWs so they don’t exceed the HS110s power rating.

It’s not a centralized thermostat.

You have electric heater in each room?

My situation is a central gas heater

I have an heater with a TP-Link switch, per room, that’s why I plan to use this thermostat.

Yes, I do use electric heaters. If you have a central gas heater, I don’t think you should be using an electric switch to control the gas heater itself.

Gas heater uses electric switch to turn on anyway. You are just adding some brains to switch.
Here is how that looks at my place.

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It is really clear if I can use service climate.turn_on or climate.turn_off to turn the thermostat on or off. set_operation_mode to HEAT or OFF is not very straight forward.

I set mine to off whenever someone arrives home (for WAF reasons)

- alias: set temp when home
    platform: state
    entity_id: group.tracking
    from: 'not_home'
    to: 'home'
    - service: climate.set_operation_mode
       entity_id: climate.thermostat
       operation_mode: "off"

To turn it back on I set it to heat