My “thermostat” is per-room. I.e. there’s a temperature sensor that reports the room’s ambient temperature and a “smart socket” - e.g. TP-Link HS110 - that turns on an electric heater. Heaters are rated at 1.250 kWs so they don’t exceed the HS110s power rating.
Yes, I do use electric heaters. If you have a central gas heater, I don’t think you should be using an electric switch to control the gas heater itself.
It is really clear if I can use service climate.turn_on or climate.turn_off to turn the thermostat on or off. set_operation_mode to HEAT or OFF is not very straight forward.
I set mine to off whenever someone arrives home (for WAF reasons)
- alias: set temp when home
platform: state
entity_id: group.tracking
from: 'not_home'
to: 'home'
- service: climate.set_operation_mode
entity_id: climate.thermostat
operation_mode: "off"