Geocoding in template?


How can I use HA’s geocoding functionality that is available in the settings of the (Android in my case) companion app likewise for GPS coordinates that I get via a template from my router in my RC car?

I read Sensors | Home Assistant Companion Docs

But I do not understand if/how this could be translated to my use case, i.e. to see the street name etc. of where my router/car is located.

Here is my template and card code that I use to show my router/car location on a map - but I want to see (as a separate entity on a different section) also the street name.

templates.yaml (included in configuration.yaml):


    - name: Router GPS position
      unique_id: Router_GPS_position
      state: not_home
        latitude: >
          {{ states('sensor.router_gps_latitude') }}
        longitude: >
          {{ states('sensor.router_gps_longitude') }}
        accuracy: >
          {{ states('sensor.router_gps_accuracy') }}


      - type: map
          - entity: sensor.router_gps_position
            name: Car
          - all
        aspect_ratio: "3:2"
        default_zoom: 16
        auto_fit: true
        fit_zones: true
        hours_to_show: 12
        theme_mode: auto

Thanks for your help! :heart:

The idea was already explained to you here.
Is it the only question - about a “street name”?
Then yes, you need to find an integration which provides a street name for the given coords and then use it’s data for an attribute of your template sensor.

I started that thread myself, and you kindly provided the solution for my question.

This thread here is about geocoding, and I still miss an answer to my question.

The companion app offers this for tracking the mobile phone on which it runs. But how is this possible for another device such as a router that can be tracked? And yes, I mean specifically geocoding, i.e. street name etc.

Has nobody a hint if the functionality of the companion app is somehow usable also for other devices that are not the mobile phone which runs the companion app?