Get rid of space used for icons

Hi community, I’m wondering if there is any way to get rid of the space normaly used by icons.

type: horizontal-stack
  - entities:
      - entity: sensor.cost_tkanlage
        icon: hass:none
      - entity: sensor.cost_waschen
        icon: hass:none
      - entity: sensor.cost_trockner
        icon: hass:none
      - entity: sensor.cost_it_essz
        icon: hass:none
    type: entities
    show_header_toggle: false
  - entities:
      - entity: sensor.tk_anlage_energy_today
        icon: hass:none
        name: ' '
      - entity: sensor.waschen_energy_total
        icon: hass:none
        name: ' '
      - entity: sensor.trockner_energy_total
        icon: hass:none
        name: ' '
      - entity: sensor.strom_laptop_energy_total_2
        icon: hass:none
        name: ' '
    type: entities

You could use a markdown card


the last part is a markdown

Dagen i dag:
{{ states.sensor.dayoftheweek.state }} d. {{ states.sensor.dateofthemonth.state }}. {{ states.sensor.month.state }} kl.{{ states.sensor.time.state }}.

Sidste Genstart var d. {{ as_timestamp(states.sensor.last_boot.state) | timestamp_custom("%d. %h. kl. %H:%M", True) }}.

Ledig ram : {{ states.sensor.memory_free.state }} mb.
1 Like

:+1: Thanks …

1 Like

Use card-mod:

Thanks, also good point because I struggle with allignment of the numbers.


These multi-column rows may be implemented by custom:multiple-entity-row.